Insert a Quick Order (From the PMR)
- Hit F7, to open the Order Form screen
The Search Product screen will open automatically
Select (highlight) one or more items to order, Hit Alt & S, when all items are selected
- Check the Order Form details:
Is the correct Supplier set for each item?
Is the Order Qty correct for each item?
- When your Order is complete, Hit Alt & O
- Each item will now be added to the Pending list, of the assigned supplier, in the orders module.
- If the item is already on the Pending list, of ANY supplier, the to Order qty for that order item will be increased.
Insert an Order from the Orders Module
- To Insert an Order from the Orders Module:
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
- Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- With the correct supplier selected, Hit Alt + I, to open the Order Form screen
- The Search Product screen will open automatically
- Select (highlight) one or more items to order, Hit Alt & S, when all items are selected
- Check the Order Form details:
- Is the correct Supplier set for each item?
- Is the Order Qty correct for each item?
When your Order is complete, Hit Alt & O
Each item will now be added to the Pending list, of the assigned supplier, in the orders module.
If the item is already on the Pending list, of ANY supplier, the to Order qty for that order item will be increased.
- Remove an Item from an Order
To Remove an Item from an Order
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
- Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Select (highlight) each item you want to Remove
- Tip: Use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the pending list
- Hit Spacebar on the keyboard to select and de-select items
- Tip: You can also select items by holding the CTRL key and clicking on each item to remove with the mouse
- Once all items have been selected (highlighted), Hit Alt & D or click the Delete button
- The selected items will now be removed from the Pending list.
Move a Product to the Pending List of Another Supplier
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
- Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Select (highlight) each item you want to Remove
- Tip: Use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the pending list
- Hit Spacebar on the keyboard to select and de-select items
- Tip: You can also select items by holding the CTRL key and clicking on each item to remove with the mouse
- Once all items have been selected (highlighted), Hit Alt & S or click the Supplier button
- The Change Supplier dialog will appear
- Select the supplier to move the products to and Hit Return
- Hit Alt & O to confirm selection. The selected items will now be move to the Pending list of the selected supplier.
To Send an Order
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
- Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Please review your order. Ensure that the correct Preferred Supplier has been assigned.
- When all items and quantities on the Pending list are correct, Hit Alt & O.
- The Place Order screen will open
- The Ordering details will already be populated. Please confirm these
- Hit Alt & O again to send your order
To View Order Exceptions or Shorts
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
- Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Hit Alt & E to open the Exceptions tab
All Order Exceptions will be displayed.
To Move the Order Exceptions back to Pending
- Select (highlight) each item you want to move
- Tip: Use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the pending list
- Hit Spacebar on the keyboard to select and de-select items
- Tip: You can also select items by holding the CTRL key and clicking on each item to remove with the mouse
- To move the Items to the Pending list of another supplier;
- Once all items have been selected (highlighted), Hit Alt & S or click the Supplier button
- The Change Supplier dialog will appear
- Select the supplier to move the products to and Hit Return
- To move the Items back to the Pending list for the same supplier;
Once all items have been selected (highlighted), Hit Alt & G or click the Pending button
The selected items will now be move to the Pending list of the selected supplier.
To Validate an Order
- To validate an order, means to mark the Order as been received, set the quantity that has been received and update the cost price, if changed, for each Item.
- Please see the Order Validation Overview Document first. Outlines how the order validation process fits into the rest of the TouchStore Rx Application to protect your Margins and maximise profitably
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
- Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Hit Alt & V or click on the Validation tab to validate an order
- Hit Alt & Q to select the Order number to be validated
Hit Alt & F or click Auto Fill to set all Delivered values to the Ordered values, i.e. automatically mark each item as though the total quantity ordered was delivered
Having physically checked each item received against the Delivery note / Invoice, update any items that have been short delivered, i.e. record the actual delivered quantity for any item where the total ordered amount has not been delivered
Check the Cost Price for each item. If any are different, enter the Invoice Cost Price per Item into the Actual Cost column When all updates have been completed, Hit Alt & O or click the Complete button
The Order Details screen will appear. Record the Invoice number here and any notes you wish to make. These can be viewed later from the History tab when checking orders during the payments process
- Hit Alt & O when complete
- Hit Return to generate a Claim. This creates an entry in the TouchStore Rx Returns module. See How Do I Track Short and Returned Stock for more information
- If you manually manage your shorts, Hit Alt & N
Hit Return to generate a Price Update file. Based on the items that have had a change in Cost Price, TouchStore Rx will create Price Update file to allow you to Update your Retail Prices. See How do I Apply a Price Update File for more information
If you have received any Bonus items of stock, please see, How Do I Add Bonus Stock Received to an Order to add these items to your order
The selected Order has now been fully validated. The next Order to be validated will now be displayed.
To Part Validate an Order
- From the PMR Console, Hit F10 & 1
- Hit Alt & V to open the Validation tab
- Hit Alt & Q to open the Query Order No dropdown list and select the order to validate
- Hit Alt & F to Auto Fill and adjust Received and Actual Cost values for each item as required
- If there is a Query on any item that prevents you from validating the order
- Select the item and Hit Spacebar, the Query check box will be ticked
- When all items have been checked, Hit Alt & O to Complete
The non-Queried items will be validated and the Queried items will remain on the to Validate list.
If you have received any Bonus items of stock, please see, How do I Add Bonus Stock Received to an Order to add these items to your order
To Add Bonus Stock Received to an Order
- Continued from How Do I Validate an Order to Add Bonus Stock received to an order:
- Use the down arrow to select the item of stock for which Bonus stock has been received
- Hit Alt & K. The 'Bonus Quantity' dialog will appear
- Enter the number of Bonus Items received and Hit Return twice
- The Bonus item will be added as a new row with the Received qty entered but no cost price applied
- The Bonus item will be highlighted in green to make it easier to identify
- The Bonus stock is now added to your order.
- To remove the Bonus stock line, in the case of error, select the item added and Hit Del on the keyboard. This will delete the Bonus Stock line from the order.
To Track Shorts and Returned Stock
From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu) & 1
Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Hit Alt & R or click on the Returns button
- Select the Supplier for whom you wish to track shorts or returned stock
- Select the Return Number to view the Items short or returned
- Hit Alt & V to validate the items you have received a credit for
- To Create as New Claim for Short or Returned Items:
- Hit Alt & M or click on the New Claim button at the bottom of the Returns module
- The Search Product screen will appear. Select the items which were Short or are being Returned
- Hit Alt & S when all items have been selected
- The Return Form screen will now appear, populated with the selected products
- Select a claim reason from the Claim Reason dropdown box and enter the Quantity being returned/short for each item
- Hit Alt & O or click on the OK button when complete
- The new claim will now be listed on the Return Number dropdown to be validated when a credit has been received.
How Do I Apply Line Discount to an Order
- Select the item for which line discount has been received
- Enter the Discount received into the Disc. column (do not enter a percentage discount here)
- Select the next item to validate
- The line discount received for the selected item is now applied.
- How Do I Apply Invoice Discount to an Order
To Apply Invoice Discount to an Order
- With all items Validated, Select Rate or Amount from Invoice Discount Type group box
- Enter the Amount or the Rate of discount received into the Discount text box, about Total text box
- Hit Alt & O, or click Complete.
- The Order is now complete with Invoice Discount applied.
To View a Previously Completed Order
From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu) & 1
Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
Hit Alt & H to open the History tab, or Click on the History tab
All previously completed Orders for the selected supplier will be displayed
- Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the Order to view
- Hit Alt & I or click the View button to view the Order items of the previously completed Order
- The Order Item History screen will open
- Hit Alt & O when complete
To View or Edit Product Details from the Orders Module
From the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu) & 1
Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
- If required, Hit Alt & U to change the supplier
- Use the Up and Down arrow keys to select the product for which you wish to view details for
- Hit F8, or double click on the product
- The Product Maintenance screen will open. From here all Product details and be Viewed and Edited
- Hit Alt & C when complete to close and save changes made
To Configure Reminder Alerts
- Open the Maintain Alerts screen by Clicking on the Maintain Alerts icon to the right of the User Dialog Box
Or from the PMR Console, Hit F10 (Modules menu), & 1
Enter your PIN number and Hit Return
- The Orders Module will open, with the Pending list of your default supplier displayed
Hit Alt & A, or click on the Alerts button at the top of the screen
Enter an Alert Start time. This is the time at which the Reminder will first be displayed in the User Dialog Box
- Enter an Alert End time. This is the time at which the Reminder will stop being displayed if not already Disabled by the user
- Enter the Reminder Note. This is the Reminder text that will be displayed in the User Dialog Box
You have now configured a Reminder Alert message that will be displayed every day at the times specified in the User Dialog Box at the bottom of the PMR Console.
The Maintain Alerts Screen Has Three Other Functions:
- Disable Current - Use this option to turn off a Reminder currently being displayed for today only
- Disable - Use this option to disable the Reminder permanently
- Enable - Use this option to re-Enable a reminder that had been Disabled
- Disable alerts on this machine - This check box allows users to prevent any Reminder Alerts from ever being displayed on the computer currently being used.
Hold or Un-Hold Pending Items
- Setting an item to 'Hold' on the Pending tab, excludes that item from being ordered until you choose to 'Un-Hold' it. At that point the item will be ordered as normal
To select items to 'Hold' on the pending tab:
Select each item using the Spacebar and down arrow to move to the next record When all items required have been selected, Hit Alt & Y or click Hold Items
- The Pending grid will update and split into Items to Hold and Item to Order
- Hit Alt & O or click Order to send your Order
To 'Hold' All Items
- Hit Ctrl & A to Select All
Hit Alt & Y or press the Hold button.
The Pending grid will update and split into Items to Hold and Item to Order
To 'Un-Hold' Items on the Pending Tab
- Select each item using the Spacebar and down arrow to move to the next record
When all items required have been selected, Hit Alt & Z or click Un-Hold Items
The Pending grid will update and split into Items to Hold and Item to Order
- Hit Alt & O or click Order to send your Order
To 'Un-Hold' All Items
- Hit Ctrl & A to Select All
- Hit Alt & Z. The Pending grid will update and split into Items to Hold and Item to Order
To Assign a Preferred Supplier (From the Orders Module)
- From the Pending list, select the Product assigned to the wrong supplier and Hit F8
- The Product Maintenance screen will open, with the required product record selected On the General tab, click into the Preferred Supplier dropdown box
- Type in the supplier name you wish to assign.
- Hit Alt & C to save your changes and close the Product Maintenance screen
- See How Do I Move a Product to the Pending List of Another Supplier or How do I Remove an Item from an Order to complete the editing of the order
- If the supplier doesn't appear on the dropdown list, Hit F8 or double click on the Preferred supplier dropdown box and see How Do I Setup a New Supplier
Place an Order for a Product from the Stock Module
- From the Stock Module screen, click Alt & F
- The Search Product screen will open automatically
- Select (highlight) one or more items to order, click Alt & S, when all items are selected
- Check the Order Form details:
- Is the correct Supplier set for each item?
- Is the Order Qty correct for each item?
- When your Order is complete, click Alt & O Each item will now be added to the Pending list, of the assigned supplier, in the orders module.
Setting Up a New Supplier
- From the PMR Console:
- Modules
- Product Maintenance
+ Enter your PIN number and click Return
+ The Stock Module screen will open with the cursor in the Search dropdown box
+ Double click on the Preferred Supplier dropdown box
- Type in the name of the supplier
- If the supplier appears, click on Edit *
- Click on the Supplier check box to place a tick in it This supplier will now appear on supplier dropdown boxes
If the Supplier Doesn't Appear on the List:
- Click on Insert button
- Type in the supplier name in the Trading Name text box
- Type in a short name, usually two - four letters (max 10)
- Tick the supplier check box
- Enter any other relevant information This supplier will now appear on supplier dropdown boxes
Convert to Re-Order Level Ordering
Question 1: Are you currently using Pack Replacement method?
+ Start with Pack Replacement method first.
+ You cannot move directly from Manual product ordering to Re-Order Level method.
+ There are too many practical differences to allow for an efficient transfer.
+ Select products to set as Re-Order Level method
+ Enter a Reorder Level - the number of packs at which an Order is triggered
+ Enter a Reorder Qty the number of packs to be placed on order when the reorder trigger is reached
- Open the Stock Module +Select "LYNX APA AFRICA" 175ML
- Set the Preferred + Supplier to "xxx" ( where xxx is a supplier you know with no other items pending)
- Set Reorder method to "Reorder Level"
- Set Reorder Level to "4"
- Set Reorder Qty to "5"
- Set Quantity on Hand to "10"
- Sell / dispense 8 packs (1400) Check the Orders module.
5 packs of LYNX APA AFRICA will be added to the pending list for supplier xxx.
At first, please assign 15-20 products to Re-order Level method for a month before expanding to other products. This will give you and your staff time to adapt to the new ordering method.
Setting up Doctors for Stock Orders in TouchStore RX
a Stock Order is when a GP is dispensing items ub bulk like needles, strips, etc... and also for limited drugs. This is commonly used for GP's living in remote areas who need to obtain medical supplied in bulk from a pharmacy. This type of dispensing can be claimed with the PCRS.
When a Stock Order is submitted for claiming to the PCRS but the doctor is not set up correctly with the relevant Slip Type, the script will be rejected as shown below
In order to set up a doctor correctly in TouchStore RX for Stock Orders, or to confirm correctly set up, please follow the steps below:
- open modules -> configuration
- Click the "Professional" tab at the top
- The Maintain Professionals window will open
Search the name of the doctor you're looking for, then select that doctor and click the "edit" button.
from this window you can edit the selected doctor
In the bottom right-hand section of this screen is the dropdown box for the Rx Type. This si where we need to choose the relevant Slip Type for this Doctor's Stock Order
- For non-dispensing Stock Order eg. swaps, test strips, syringes etc... you will need to set this to the RX Type 2 Pink Slip
- For Dispensing Stock Orders containing drugs, you will need to set this to the Tx Type 1 White Slip
Once this setting have been applied, any Reclaims that have been rejected due to the Rx Type being set incorrectly can then be re-sent. This will then forward the correct information regarding these Stock Orders scripts to the PCRS.
Setting up Supplier for EDI Ordering
- You will need to add a new supplier Do this by opening Modules - Configuration - Suppliers at the top of the screen
- The maintain suppliers window will open, hit insert if it is new or search the supplier if it has been created already and hit edit
- When you have created/opened the supplier you wish to set up you need to fill out the EDI details in the ordering section
- You need to have EDI phone number, Practice EDI ID which is their account number, EDI IMS code and Modem Initialise which will always be ATZ0 - Customer gets this information from the Supplier Default order method needs to be set to EDI also
Blank Order Status
If you find an order where in Transmission it is showing with a blank status e.g. no information under the Status section:
This is normally caused by an issue during the generation of the order and will need to be fixed by TouchStore Support.