How Do I Set Up a Patient For SMS

  • Search the patient
  • Press F3 to edit their patient information


  • Go to the contact section and add in the patient's mobile number.



  • Press ok to save

How Do I Create SMS Templates

  • From the patients PMR, click on "send SMS"


  • The "send Ad Hock SMS" window will open


  • Double click on the "SMS Template" dropdown

  • The "Maintain Ad Hoc Labels" window will open


  • Click on the insert button


  • The New Label screen will open


  • Type the general message that you want to send when selecting this Template
  • Click Alt & C or click the Close button when complete
  • The Save Template as the screen will appear
  • Enter a meaningful name for your template and Click Alt & O
  • Click Alt & C, to close the Maintain Ad Hoc label screen

You can now select your template from the SMS Template dropdown box

How Do I Send SMS

  • Press the SMS option on the right


  • If you have a patient's PMR open, and that patient has a mobile number, the mobile number will appear

  • Add the SMS message to the SMS Content field.


  • Immediately will be ticked as default.

  • If you would like to send this SMS now, press the Send button.
  • A message will appear to advise you TouchstoreRx has added this message to the SMS queue.


How Do I Schedule SMS to Send in the Future

  • Press the SMS option on the right


  • If you have a patient's PMR open, and that patient has a mobile number, the mobile number will appear

  • Add the SMS message to the SMS Content field.


  • Immediately will be ticked as default.

  • Tick Selected Date and Time
  • Select the Date and Time you would like to schedule for this SMS to send.
  • Press Send
  • A message will appear to advise you TouchstoreRx has added this message to the SMS queue.
  • This SMS will not send until the date and time that was selected.

How Do I Check if SMS Sent Successfully

  • Click on the Modules and choose the Data Viewer option
  • DataViewer will now open.
  • Select the Patients tab and select the SMS Report


  • Select the dates you would like to see SMS's

  • Run the report by pressing Run Report
  • This will display all SMS's sent during these dates.

    staff * The Message Status column will display Sent or Not Sent. * The Delivery Status column will display the actual status received from the SMS company:
