TouchStore Loyalty
Retail 365 allows you to make use of TouchStore Loyalty to provide a loyalty system to your customers.
Below you will find details on how to set up TouchStore Loyalty within Retail 365.
TouchStore Loyalty allows you to:
- Set up customer loyalty accounts either on the cloud or at the till
- Track points against loyalty sales
- Redeem loyalty points against till sales
- Use existing loyalty cards with TouchStore Loyalty accounts
- Use a customers mobile number to identify their Loyalty account if they don't have a Loyalty Card
- Require activation of a Loyalty Account before customers can redeem their points value
In order to use TouchStore Loyalty within Retail 365, you will need to set up and configure your Loyalty System. To do this:
- From the main screen of Retail 365, go to the Config module
- Select Loyalty from the left-hand side menu
- Click + Add a New Loyalty System
You will now be presented with the Loyalty System Setup screen.
On this screen, you will need to configure a handful of important settings that control how your TouchStore Loyalty system will work.
The icon allows you to hover over it to see more information about what that setting means.
- Type
- There is currently only one type of system available: TouchStore Loyalty. Please leave this as the default selection.
- Description
- The description you enter here will appear on the Till Receipt that prints out for the customer.
- Points Value
- This setting determines the monetary value of each loyalty point earned.
- Minimum Redemption
- This setting determines the minimum points value (in monetary terms, not the number of points) required before a Loyalty Customer can redeem their points value against a sale.
The following additional settings are optional:
- Email is required
This setting is enabled by default
- When this setting is enabled you will need to enter a valid Email Address when setting up a new Loyalty Account
- Phone number is required
This setting is enabled by default
- When this setting is enabled you will need to enter a valid Mobile Number when setting up a new Loyalty Account
- Name is required
This setting is disabled by default
- When this setting is enabled you will need to enter a Name when setting up a new Loyalty Account
At the bottom of the screen, you will see a Summary of how your Loyalty System will function based on these settings.
Once you are happy with how the system is configured, click ✔ Create Loyalty System
Now that your Loyalty System is setup you can complete the configuration by Setting up Loyalty Identifier Formats.
Setting up Loyalty Identifier Formats
In order for the Retail 365 Till system to correctly identify when a Loyalty Card has been scanned or a Loyalty Identifier has been typed in at the Till (e.g. mobile number) you will need to configure the Loyalty System with the various formats of codes / identifiers that represent a loyalty account.
For example, if you allow customers to use their Mobile Number to identify their Loyalty Account, the loyalty system will need to know that a Mobile Number begins with either 083 or 085 or 086 or 089 and is 10 digits long. We can represent this like this: 083*******
To configure the Loyalty Identifier Formats your system will accept:
From the main screen of Retail 365, go to the Config module
Select Loyalty from the left-hand side menu
Press the pencil icon beside your Loyalty system
The lower section of the Loyalty System Setup screen will show your Accepted Loyalty Identifier Formats.
By default the following format (TouchStore Loyalty Format) is added to your TouchStore Loyalty system as an acceptable Loyalty Card Format:
- Where XXXX is your unique 4-digit customer code
- This code will be added automatically by the system so you will not need to set this yourself or know what this code is. This code ensures that Gift Cards and Loyalty Cards from your store/group are only accepted within your store/group.
- Where XXXX is your unique 4-digit customer code
To add additional formats you can use one of the following options:
- Accept Mobile Phone Numbers
- This will add formats for accepting both UK/NI and ROI type mobile numbers
- Accept Gift Cards
- This will add a format for accepting TouchStore Gift Cards generated by Retail 365
- Accept Azpiral Cards
- This will add formats for accepting Azpiral Loyalty cards
- Add Custom...
- This will allow you to configure your own custom format(s)
Accept Mobile Phone Numbers
If you press Accept Mobile Phone Numbers the following Loyalty Identifier Formats will be added:
UK / NI Mobile Numbers:
Irish (ROI) Mobile Numbers:
Accept Gift Cards
If you press Accept Gift Cards the following Loyalty Identifier Format will be added:
- Where XXXX is your unique 4-digit customer code
- This code will be added automatically by the system so you will not need to set this yourself or know what this code is. This code ensures that Gift Cards and Loyalty Cards from your store/group are only accepted within your store/group.
- Where XXXX is your unique 4-digit customer code
Accept Azpiral Cards
If you press Accept Azpiral Cards the following Loyalty Identifier Formats will be added:
Add Custom
If you press Add Custom you will be presented with the Add Custom Loyalty Card Format screen:
Here you will need to configure the following details for the Loyalty Card Format you are adding. The icon allows you to hover over it to see more information about what that setting means:
- Code Starts With
- This field is mandatory
- If your identifier has a common starting sequence e.g. all cards/numbers begin with 1017, then add this common starting sequence here
- Code Length
- This field is mandatory
- Please enter here how many digits or characters are present in the entire code/number
- Code Ends With
- This field is optional
- If your identifier has a common ending sequence e.g. all cards/numbers end with 056, then add this common ending sequence here
Removing a Loyalty Identifier Format
To remove a Loyalty Identifier Format, simply click the red Trashcan icon beside the format you wish to remove.
Using TouchStore Loyalty at the Till
Once your TouchStore Loyalty system is set up you can begin to use it at the Till.
N.B. Please ensure you have completed a PRODUCT EXPORT on all active Tills before continuing!
Setting up a new Loyalty Customer
Once you have setup TouchStore Loyalty you will be able to set up new Loyalty Accounts at the till. To set up a new Loyalty Account:
- Sign in to the Till
- Press Loyalty
You will now be presented with the 365 Loyalty Account Setup/Search screen where you can search for an existing account or set up a new one.
To set up a new one:
- Scan the customer's Loyalty Card OR type their Mobile No into the Card or Mobile No: section
- If an Email Address is required, you can enter it into the email: section
- If a Mobile Number is required, you can enter it into the Mobile Phone: section
- If a Name is required, you can enter it into the Name: section
- If you wish to populate the customer's Loyalty Account with a pre-existing balance e.g. if they are changing from one Loyalty System to this one and you wish to honour their previous balance - you can enter their new balance into the Balance Value: section
Once you are happy with the information you have entered, press Save. You will then be asked if it is Ok To Set Up Loyalty Card?. Press YES if you are happy to set it up.
You will then be asked Has The Customer Given Permission To Retain Data?. Press YES if you are happy to continue.
Now the till will attempt to create the Loyalty Account on the Back Office. After a moment you will get a success message and the account will be available for use at the Till.
If you have specified an Email Address then an Activation Email will be sent to the customer asking them to click an internet link and Activate their Account. Please see the below section on Activating a Loyalty Account for more details.
Activating a Loyalty Account
In order for a Loyalty Customer to Redeem their Points Balance against sales at the Till their Loyalty Account must first be Activated.
You can see the active status of a Loyalty Account in the Back Office in the list of Loyalty Accounts. Activated accounts will have a ✔ (tick mark) under the Active heading. Accounts that have not yet been activated will have a blank tick box.
When creating a Loyalty Account at the Till, if you have specified an Email Address then an Activation Email will be sent to the customer asking them to click an internet link and Activate their Account.
Once the customer has activated their account it will update the Active status in your Retail 365 system for that customer's account and they will be able to redeem their point balance against Till Sales (providing that their Balance Value meets or exceeds the Minimum Redemption value you specified when setting up the Loyalty System).
If there was no Email Address specified or if you would like to activate the account manually for the customer, you can do this in the Back Office:
- From the main screen of Retail 365, go to the Accounts module
- Select Loyalty from the left-hand side menu
- Find the Loyalty Account
You can use the Filter this list box at the top of the screen to search based on the Name or the Loyalty Card Number used to identify their account
Once you've found the Loyalty Account you want to Activate, click the pencil icon for that account
You will then see the Edit screen for the selected Loyalty Account.
In order to Activate the account, simply tick the box This loyalty card is active and then click Save. The Loyalty Account is now activated and ready to be used to Redeem a points balance against Till Sales.
Using a TouchStore Loyalty account in a Sale
In order to use a TouchStore Loyalty account in a Sale, you can simply enter the customers Mobile Number into the Sales Screen or you can also scan their Loyalty Card into the Sales Screen.
When the customer's details have been located you will be presented with the 365 Loyalty Card Check screen confirming that the 365 Loyalty Card Is Validated!. You will also be shown the current Loyalty Account balance.
Once you complete the Sale the Till Receipt will print with the details of the customer's Loyalty Account. The value of the Sale will be converted into points (1 point per € spent) and these points will be added to the customer's Loyalty Account Points Balance.
Redeeming a Loyalty Balance in a Sale
In order to use a TouchStore Loyalty account in a Sale, you can simply enter the customers Mobile Number into the Sales Screen or you can also scan their Loyalty Card into the Sales Screen.
When the customer's details have been located you will be presented with the 365 Loyalty Card Check screen confirming that the 365 Loyalty Card Is Validated!. You will also be shown the current Loyalty Account balance.
You can Redeem the Loyalty Account Balance against a Sale providing that their Balance Value meets or exceeds the Minimum Redemption value you specified when setting up the Loyalty System.
Additionally, in order to Redeem a customer's Loyalty Balance against a Sale it is necessary to Activate the customer's Loyalty Account. Please see the above section on Activating a Loyalty Account section for more detail on Activation.
To Redeem a customer's Loyalty Account Balance against a Sale:
- Sign in to the Till
- Scan / Lookup the product(s) you wish to sell
- Scan / Enter the customer's Loyalty Account details e.g. scan their card or enter their Mobile Number
- Press SUB to go to the SUB screen
N.B. If you try to go to the SUB screen on the Retail 365 after scanning or entering
Once in the SUB screen you will see that the Loyalty Card Tender Type is now available for use on the left-hand side of the screen at the bottom of the list of available Tender Types (e.g. Cash, Credit Card etc...)
On the right-hand side of the screen at the bottom, you will see the details of the customer's Loyalty Account along with their currently available Redeemable Loyalty Value:
To assign some or all of the customer's Redeemable Loyalty Value against the Sale:
- Press Loyalty Card
- Type in the Amount you wish to allocate to the Sale
- Add any other Tender Types that you wish to allocate to the Sale (e.g. Cash, Credit Card etc...)
When you are happy with the Sale and the entered Tender Types, press Thumbs Up
You have now successfully Redeemed the customer's Loyalty Account Balance against the Sale.
Checking the Loyalty Account Balance
Once you have setup TouchStore Loyalty you will be able to check the Loyalty Account balance at the till without having to log on to the Back Office to do so.
- Sign in to the Till
Press Loyalty
You will now be presented with the 365 Loyalty Account Setup/Search screen where you can search for an existing account or set up a new one.
To search for an existing account:
- Scan the customer's Loyalty Card OR type their Mobile No into the Card or Mobile No: section
- Press Check
When the customer's details have been located you will be presented with the 365 Loyalty Card Check screen confirming that This 365 Loyalty Card Is Valid!.
You will then be shown the current Loyalty Account balance value and the current number of points on the account.
Disabling a Loyalty System
If you wish to disable your TouchStore Loyalty once it is setup:
From the main screen of Retail 365, go to the Config module
Select Loyalty from the left-hand side menu
Press the pencil icon beside your Loyalty system
Press the Disable Loyalty System button
You will then be presented with a screen asking you to confirm that you wish to remove the Loyalty System. By pressing Yes, Delete this item! the Loyalty System will be deleted from your Retail 365 system and you will need to set up a new one if you decide to reactivate TouchStore Loyalty on your Retail 365 system.