Product Exports

Retail 365 is a cloud-based retail system but some of the devices that work with Retail 365 do not directly connect to the system all the time and so it is often necessary to manually transfer information between the Retail 365 system and these other devices e.g. the Till, the UNITECH HT 680 Handheld. We do this via Product Exports.

There are two different types of Product Exports:


  • Till Exports: These are used to get products, pricing, promotions, hampers and staff members down to the Tills.
  • Handheld Exports: These are used to get Products or Orders across to the UNITECH HT 680 Handheld - these are not required for the TouchStore Android Handheld.

Till Exports

  • In the home screen of TouchStore 365 select the Product Exports module


  • That screen will then display the list of till exports waiting to be downloaded and the status of each download. That is whether they have been downloaded and whether they have been applied.

  • In that page that appears click StaffRoleConfig.png

  • The system will notify you after a couple of seconds that the retail product export has completed


  • When a user logs into the till, the till checks if there is an export to be downloaded

  • Once it is downloaded, the next time that a user logs in, the message displayed below will appear


  • All updates in the product export you created have now been successfully sent to the till(s)

Handheld Exports

If you have a UNITECH HT 680 Handheld then you will need to use the Handheld Exports function in order to get Product and/or Order information from the Retail 365 system on to the Handheld device. The UNITECH HT 680 Handheld does not have the facility to connect directly to the Retail 365 system like the TouchStore Android Handheld so we need to manually generate and transfer files to it.

When you enter th Handheld Exports screen you will see a message in the top-right of the screen showing whether the Handheld is connected. This relates to the status of the TouchStore Handheld Service running on your PC. If you see that this says Handheld Disconnected, make sure that you are on the correct machine to connect with the UNITECH HT 680 Handheld.


There are two types of Handheld Exports:


  • Stock File: this allows you to export the full list of all of your currently active products to the UNITECH HT 680 Handheld.
  • Orders File: this allows you to export the details of a particular order to the UNITECH HT 680 Handheld so that you can scan the items and enter quantities against them so they can be booked into stock.


List of current and previous exports:


Order File

N.B. You will be unable to create an Order file if you do not have any Orders in the Waiting To Check-In screen of the Orders module.

When exporting the Order file, the system will take all Orders that are currently showing in the Waiting To Check-In screen of the Orders module and it will take all of the products on these orders and add them to a file, with their relevant Order Numbers, to be sent to the UNITECH Handheld.