In the TouchStore Retail 365 Reports Module, all reports are divided into 8 sections, where each section is assigned a different tab
- Daily Reports
- Sales
- Payments
- Orders
- Stock
- Till Audit
- Listings
- Accounts
The reports available under each section are detailed below
How to Search for a Report
When searching for a report, click on the tab assigned to the section your report features under. If the name of the report is not immediately visible, use the filter bar at the top right side of the page to search for the report.
Once you have located the report you wish to run, click the report
Upon clicking this button a number of options appear, allowing you to filter your report before running it. Please note that the filters available for each report are unique to the report you have selected.
Remember that all reports can be exported to CSV, to Excel or printed
Daily Reports
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
How do I print 'Today's Category Sales & Profitability' report
Today's Category Sales Profitability - A VAT and profit margin breakdown of Today's sales per category at a specified level. The profit margin is based on the average cost at the time of selling and is displayed by value and percentage.
- Select the level for the report based on the category you wish to look at
Note level 1 - 5 are categories that products can be put into These product categories are created in the config module: stock categories, an example of a possible level one category is OTC this can be broken down further with level 2 categories such as Cough & Cold.
when running a report on level 1 it will be run against every product in the categories under level 1
Select the applicable store
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Today's Payments' report
Today's Payments - Today's receipts by staff member and tender type
Apply the desired tender type you'd like to include in your report
If you'd like to include all tender types, except for one, you can select the undesired tender type and select the "Exclude" button
Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Today's Payouts' report
Today's Payouts - Each of Today's payouts are detailed by value, staff member and reason."
Apply the desired tender type you'd like to include in your report
If you'd like to include all tender types, except for one, you can select the undesired tender type and select the "Exclude" button
Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Today's Sales' report
Today's Sales - All Today's sales detailed by product, staff member and receipt number. The report can be filtered to a specific product.
- Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Search the product(s) you'd like to include in your report
If you added the wrong product by accident, you can easily remove it by clicking on the red garbage can icon
beside the product name
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Today's Sales by Staff Member' report
Today's Sales by Staff Member - Today's sales summarised by each staff member, or by selected staff members if required. The report shows total sales, total customers and total lines sold. Also shown is the average sale value and the average number of lines.
Select the staff member(s) you'd like to include in your report
- If you'd like to include all staff members, except for one, you can select the undesired staff member and select the "Exclude" button
- Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Today's Sales Targets by Staff Member' report
Today's Sales Targets by Staff Member - This report shows staff members sales versus their targets for the current day
- Select the staff member(s) you'd like to include in your report
If you'd like to include all staff members, except for one, you can select the undesired staff member and select the "Exclude" button
Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
How do I print 'Today's Sales Targets by Store' report
Today's Sales Targets by Store - report shows sales versus their targets for the current day at store level
Select the staff member(s) you'd like to include in your report
If you'd like to include all staff members, except for one, you can select the undesired staff member and select the "Exclude" button
Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Today's Sales Targets by Staff Member; report
Today's Sales Targets by Staff Member - This report shows staff members sales versus their targets for the current day
- Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'X Read Report' report
X Read Report - Gives the total receipts, and also shows the totals for each tender type in the current shift for specified tills. The report can be filtered by specified tender types e.g. cash, credit card, etc
- Select the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
- Summary version
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Sales'
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
How do I print 'Category Sales & Profitability' report
Category Sales & Profitability - Select a category level, date range and store (or stores). The report details the total gross sales, VAT and profit margin, for the selected date range, stores and category level. The profit margin is shown by value and percentage and is calculated from the average cost at the time of each individual sale.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Detailed Sales Report'
Detailed Sales Report - Details all sales, showing the till number, receipt number, account number, staff member, date, product description, whether it was an open key sale, quantity, discount, sale line value. The receipt is displayed in a pop-up if the receipt number in the report is clicked. In addition to date range, the report can be filtered by staff member(s) product(s), category or categories etc.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Detailed Sales Report' (Receipts)
Detailed Sales Report (Receipts) - Lists all Receipt Totals in a specified date range and by specified store(s). The receipt number for each transaction can be clicked to view the detailed receipt in a pop-up box. Also detailed are the staff member, line value, line discount amount etc. The report can be filtered by applying ranges to the data in each column.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Hourly Volume Analysis' report
Hourly Volume Analysis - Select a store and select a date range. The report displayed, details the number of sales and the value of sales in each hour for each day of the week. Where the date range selected amounts to more than one week, then the values for each hour and each day are totalled over the date range to give a total value for the hour and the day over the specified period.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Prescriptions Report' report
Prescriptions Report - This report is applicable where Retail 365 is integrated with TouchStore Rx. It details the number of scripts and the value of scripts scanned for each PCRS scheme. The report can be filtered by the scheme type, the number of scripts in a scheme, or by the value of scripts in a scheme - there is no input box for the value filter.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Product Sales and Profitability' report
Product Sales & Profitability - Details the total gross sales, VAT,and profit margin of each product, for the selected products, date range, suppliers, category and store(s). The profit margin by value and percentage) is calculated from the average cost at the time of each sale. The products are sorted by level 1 category (or departments) and are listed under the category to which they are assigned. The values for each category are totalled. The report can be filtered by applying ranges to each of the columns.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print ' Promotions & Hampers Report' report
Promotions & Hampers Report - Details all products sold as part of a hamper or promotion for a specified date range. It details the product name the staff member, the date and time, receipt number, the quantity, discount and net line value. The report can be filtered by each of these criteria. The receipt appears in a pop-up box when clicked. Various product functions and information are available on clicking on any product name.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Sales & Quantity Sold Report' report
Sales & Qty Sold Report - Details the current stock quantity the total sales quantity and value of each product for a specified date range, specified suppliers, specified manufacturers and specified store(s)
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Sales by Group(Year on Year)' report
Sales by Group (Year on Year) Report - The sales per category over a specified period in the current year and the same period of the previous year. The differences as regards quantity and value are also detailed, together with whether there has been an increase or decrease, year on year. The percentage increase or decrease is also shown. Other parameters can set for the report such as categories, stores and suppliers. The report can be filtered by applying ranges to any column.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Sales Targets by Staff Member' report
Sales Targets by Staff Member Report - This report shows staff members sales versus their targets for a given period
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
- Summary Version
How do I print 'Sales Targets by Store' report
Sales Targets by Store - This report shows sales versus their targets for the selected period
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Sales with Discount Card' report
Sales with Discount Card - Details the sales to which a discount has been applied by a discount card. The report can be run for a specified date range and specified store(s). It details the till, the product, the staff member, the discount card holder, the discount card number, the discount amount. It also details whether the discount card was approved on the POS at the time of sale. If the POS is offline, then the staff member is given the option to apply the discount or not.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Special Prices Report' report
Special Prices Report - Details all sales of products which had a Special Price applied at the time of sale. The till, product name, date, receipt, staff member, quantity and value are shown. It also details whether the sale was a special offer or a mark down. The report can be filtered by each of the columns. The receipt appears in a pop-up box when clicked. Various product functions and information are available on clicking on any product name.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Staff Members Report' report
Staff Members Report - This report gives total sales that each staff member made during the specified date range. It is also possible to specify staff members, supplier(s), categories, manufacturer(s) and store(s). The report gives the total sales, total customers, total lines sold, average line value and the average sale value of each staff member under the criteria selected. The report can be further filtered by applying ranges to each of the columns displayed.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Store Discounts Report' report
Store Discounts Report - For a specified date range and store(s), this report gives the total of each discount type in each store for the specified time range. The report displays each discount type separately - redeemed (s)discounts, Loyalty discounts, Promotion Discounts and Manual Discounts. The report can be filtered by ranges applied to each discount type.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Store Loyalty Performance Report' report
Store Loyalty Performance Report - This report summarises the loyalty transactions in specified stores in a specified period. The report details - for each store - the number of new loyalty customers, the number of loyalty scans, the points earned, the points redeemed and the number of non-loyalty scans.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Store Performance Report' report
Store Performance Report - This report shows how a store is performance based on the current week, month and year versus last year
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Supplier Sales & Profitability' report
Supplier Sales & Profitability - "A summary report of the sales and margin for products assigned to each supplier. The sales incl VAT, sales ex VAT, VAT, profit margin value and percentage for the product sales assigned to that supplier are summarised. The profit margins are based on the average cost at the time of sale. The report can be parameterised by restricting it to specified manufacturers, suppliers and categories. In addition, the report can also be filtered by applying ranges to each of the column values.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Top Selling Lines (By Qty Sold)' report
Top Selling Lines (By Qty Sold) - Specify the number of products to be listed, select the stores to be reported on. The report can also be confined to specific suppliers, categories etc. The top-selling lines totaled for each specified product are displayed in descending order by quantity. The value and profit value of each product are also detailed. The report can be filtered by ranges of any of the columns. The product names can be clicked and various product functions and information are available on doing so.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Top Selling Lines (By Sales Profit)' report
Top Selling Lines (By Sales Profit) - Specify the number of products to be listed, select the stores to be reported on. The report can also be confined to specific suppliers, categories etc. The top-selling lines totalled for each specified product are displayed in descending order by profit value. The quantity and sales value of each product are also detailed. The report can be filtered by ranges of any of the columns. The product names can be clicked and various product functions and information are available on doing so.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Top Selling Lines (By Sales Value)' report
Top Selling Lines (By Sales Value) - Specify the number of products to be listed, select the stores to be reported on. The report can also be confined to specific suppliers, categories etc. The top-selling lines totalled for each specified product are displayed in descending order by sales value. The quantity and profit value of each product are also detailed. The report can be filtered by ranges of any of the columns. The product names can be clicked and various product functions and information are available on doing so.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'VAT on Product Sales' report
VAT on Product Sales - This is a summary report detailing the values for each store separately. For each VAT rate in each store, the quantity sold, the sales value, the sales ex VAT, the VAT and the average cost price are displayed.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Vat on Product Sales(Detailed)' report
VAT on Product Sales (Detailed) - Specify the date range and the store(s) to be reported on. Additional parameters such as supplier(s) categories can also be applied. This report is a detailed listing, separated into the different VAT rates, of each product sold, the quantity of the product sold, the gross value, the value ex VAT, the VAT amount and the total average cost at the time of selling.
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Weekly Sales By Day' report
Weekly Sales By Day - This report displays the total sales value for each day of the week broken down per store
Apply your desired filters
Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Payments'
+ Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
How do I print 'Daily Receipts Report' report
Daily Receipts Report - Total receipts for each till and for each tender type in a specified date range. For multi-currency organisations, the report also displays the currency. In addition to the date range, the report can be filtered by till, tender type and currency. The report displayed can toggle between a summary total of all tills or a detailed report total showing each till separately.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
- Summary version
How do I print 'Daily Receipts Report(Magento)' report
Daily Receipts Report (Magento) - The Detailed Receipts for the online store (Magento) only.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
How do I print 'Detailed Payments Report' report
Detailed Payments Report - Details all receipts in the selected date range and for selected stores. It details the date and time, the staff member, the receipt value and receipt number for each transaction. It also shows the account number and voucher or gift card number if applicable. The report can be filtered by applying value ranges to each of the columns.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Select the tender type(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'VAT on Cash Receipts' report
VAT on Cash Receipts - This report is a VAT on sales calculation for a selected date range. However, the VAT is applied to the value of the receipts for the period rather than the actual sales. The VAT calculation is based on a receipts value which the user inputs. The VAT is applied to the receipts value, pro rata to the VAT type ratio on sales for the period selected.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Enter your takings amount
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Vouchers / Gift Cards Issued & Redeemed' report
Vouchers / Gift Cards Issued & Redeemed - Total of gift cards issued, vouchers issued, gift cards redeemed and gift cards issued in a selected date range and for selected stores. The report can be filtered by specifying the voucher and gift card numbers ranges and by whether they are redeemed or issued.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Orders'
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
How do I print 'Orders by Supplier' report
Orders by Supplier - This report list all purchase orders given in a specified date range, to specified (suppliers) and in specified store(s).The report displays the following for each order: date and time, store, supplier, order number, order status, number of items in the order, and the order value. The report can be filtered by applying ranges to the data in any of the columns.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Select the supplier(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Returns by Supplier' report
Returns by Supplier - This report lists all returns to suppliers in a specified date range, to specified (suppliers) and in specified store(s).The report displays the following for each supplier return: date and time, store, supplier, return number, return status, number of items in the return, the return value and the retail value. The report can be filtered by applying ranges to the data in each column.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Select the supplier(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Transfer Summary' report
Stock Transfers Summary - For a specified date range and specific stores this report displays the total of transfers in and the total of transfers out for each store specified
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Transfer by Store' report
Transfers by Store - For a specified date range and specific stores this report displays each stock transfers in and each stock transfer out for each store specified. The details listed for each transfer are the transfer date, the sending store, the receiving store, the transfer number, the transfer status, number of items in the transfer and the transfer value.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Under-Delivered Orders' report
Under-Delivered Orders Report - This report is run for a specific date range, specific supplier(s) and specific store(s). It displays all purchase orders where the quantity delivered for a product or products in the order is less than the quantity ordered. The date, store, supplier, order number, quantity ordered, quantity delivered, quantity difference, cost ordered, cost delivered, cost difference. By clicking on the order number, the details of the undelivered products are displayed in a separate tab on the browser.
- Pick your 'From' date
- Pick your 'To' date
- Select the supplier(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Stock'
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
How do I print 'Negative Margin' report
Negative Margin Report - This report will list all products that have a negative margin
- Select the supplier(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Select the applicable sales group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Price Changes' report
Price Changes Report - This report details each product which has had the retail price changed since date specified, together with the pack size, barcode and retail price."
- Select the appropriate date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Slow Moving Stock' report
Slow Moving Stock - This report details products which have not sold since a specified date. In order to exclude new products which have not yet sold, there is also the option to add the parameter " Set Up after Specified Date". Further parameters are supplier, category and store. The product name, the current stock quantity, the " last sold" date, the "setup" date and the " last counted" date are listed for each product. The report can also be filtered by each of these parameters.
- Enter the day amount you'd like to check
- Example: entering the number 30 will check all the times the products have been sold in the last 30 days
- Enter the Supplier(s)
- Enter the Sales Group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Adjustments Summary' report
Stock Adjustments Summary Report - This report details the net value of stock adjustments done in stock takes and on the product screen, for each product category in each store. The following parameters can be specified - date range, sales group(s) level 1 and store(s). For each category, the variance value, the sales in the defined period and the variance value as a percentage of sales are detailed. There is the option to group this report by store or category by toggling the " Group By Store/Group by Category" button.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Cover' report
Stock Cover Report - This is a report which measures the level of stock versus the sales. The number of week’s stock is the measure used. The report has the following column: product, current stock quantity sold in the period specified when running the report, lest sales date and the average weekly sales over the last 12 weeks. The last column is the stock cover based on the current stock level and the average sales quantity over the last twelve weeks.- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select supplier(s)
- Select Manufacturer(s)
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Imbalances' report
Stock Imbalances Report - "This is a multi-store report which identifies products which are over stocked in certain branches and under stocked in other branches. The level of under stocking or over stocking is measured by a measure of the sales in the specified period versus the current stock.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Movements' report
Stock Movements Report - This report details the stock movements for a specified range of products. The scope of the report can also be set by the date range, the category or categories, the supplier(s), the manufacturer(s), the product name or barcode, the adjustment type(s), adjustment value, adjustment quantity and the store(s). For each product listed the date, the original stock quantity, the adjustment quantity and value, the adjustment reason and the staff member are also detailed."
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Manufacturer(s)
- Select supplier(s)
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Select Product(s)
- Select Adjustment Type(s)
- Enter adjustment quantity
- Enter the adjustment value
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Take Variance' report
Stock Take Variance Report - Details the stock variances in stock takes in a specified period. The scope of the report can also be set by the category, supplier(s), manufacturer(s), variance value and quantity, and store(s). It details each product in each stock take, the date, the opening stock quantity and value, the variance quantity and value, the additional adjustments due to sales during the stock and finally the closing stock quantity and value. The report can also be filtered by each of the report columns.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select supplier(s)
- Select Manufacturer(s)
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Enter variance quantity
- Enter variance value
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Turnover' report
This report details stock performance based on the stock turnover during a selected period of months. It may be run for products assigned to a particular product or to products of a selected category. The stock performance is based on the sales versus the quantity held in stock and is used to evaluate how a product is performing based on the stock held. The reports details:
- Enter the number of months you'd like to calculate
- Select the 'To' date
- Select supplier(s)
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Value(By Category)' report
Stock Value (By Category) - This report is designed with the stock in each category grouped together as a subheading in the report. The stock values of each product in the category are totalled as a subtotal, thus giving you the value of the stock for each product category. The retail price, list average cost of each product is shown. Then the stock value at retail, list cost and average cost are all shown. The report can be run for specific sections of the store by specifying suppliers and categories.
- Choose the level
- Select supplier(s)
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Stock Value(By supplier)' report
Stock Value (By Supplier) - This report is designed with the stock of each supplier grouped together as a subheading in the report. The stock values of each product assigned to the supplier are totalled as a subtotal, thus giving you the value of the stock for each supplier. The retail price, list average cost of each product is shown. Then the stock value at retail, list cost and average cost are all shown. The report can be run for specific sections of the store by specifying suppliers and categories.
- Select supplier(s)
- Select the appropriate Sales Group(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Till Audit
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Till Audit'
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
How do I print 'Cash Lifts' report
Cash Lifts Report - Cash Lifts done in specified stores and in a specified period
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Discounts (Azpiral)' report
Discounts Report (Azpiral) - The discounts given on the POS as a result of scanning Azpiral a specified period. The receipt number, staff member, line value and discount value are all shown. The report can be filtered by each of those columns. The report can be further refined by applying parameters such as staff member(s) and store(s). It can also be confined to a single product.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Product(s)
- Select Staff Member(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Discounts (Flat)' report
Discounts Report (Flat) - Flat discounts are given off the total value of a sale transaction as distinct from discounts given off individual or all products in a sale. This report details these a specified period. The till number, receipt number, staff member, line value and discount value are all shown. The report can be filtered by each of those columns. The report can be further refined by applying parameters such as staff member(s) and store(s). It can also be confined to a single product.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Discounts (Percentage)' report
Discounts Report (Percentage) - This report details the discounts given on the POS as a result of applying a percentage discount in a specified period. The receipt number, staff member, line value and discount value are all shown. The report can be filtered by each of those columns. The report can be further designed by applying parameters such as staff member(s) and store(s). It can also be confined to a single product
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Product(s)
- Select Staff Member(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Gift Card Issuances' report
Gift Card Issuances Report - This report shows all gift cards issued over a specified period of time and includes the current balance of the card.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Gift Card Redemptions' report
Gift Card Redemptions Report - This report lists all transactions where a gift card was used as payment
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Staff Member(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Lodgements' report
Lodgements Report - This report gives the user a breakdown of their lodgements. It shows the total amount declared, read and lodging as well as the difference between the declared total and the read total.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'No Sales' report
No Sales Report - This report lists each time the till was opened without doing a sale. The principal way this happens is by clicking the " No Sale" button. It can also happen when a staff member does a cash lift and can, therefore, happen when a staff member cancels out pf doing a cash lift.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Overrides' report
Overrides Report - Details sales where the retail price is changed on the POS. This can happen by overriding the price or applying a discount or where retail prices are entered for open key sales. The report can be confined to show where the price of scanned products is overridden. The details listed are the till, date, product, receipt number, staff member, quantity, discount value and net sales for the specified period. The report can be further refined by applying parameters such as staff member(s) and store(s).
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Staff Member(s)
- Select Product(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Payouts' report
Payouts Report - Details all Payouts in a specified period. This includes payouts given as a result of price rounding. The staff member, till number, amount and the reason is listed. The report can be filtered by any of these columns. The report can also be confined to particular tender type(s) and store(s)"
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select tender type(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Refunds' report
Refunds Report - This report details, date, till number, product name, receipt number, staff member, refund quantity, discount, type, and refund value of refunds in a specified period. It can be filtered by applying ranges or values for each column. The report can be further refined by applying parameters for the staff members and stores.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Product(s)
- Select Staff Member(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Takings' report
Takings Report - This report shows the total amount of each tender type taken in per till shift
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Voids' report
Voids Report - This report details, date, till number, product name, the void type, staff member, void quantity, discount, and void value. The void types are line void (line void), where just one line of the sale is voided and transaction void (tranvoid), where the complete transaction is voided.
- Select the 'From' date
- Select the 'To' date
- Select Product(s)
- Select Staff Member(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
How do I print 'Z Read' report
Z Read Report - This report details the date, tender types, till, shift #, value and staff member, who closed the shift, of the receipts in shifts which closed in the specified period. Additional parameters can be set to confine the report to specific tender types and also to specific stores. The report can also be refined further by using filters for any of the columns. (For full information on the total receipts and reconciliation of individual shifts, check the " End of Day" menu option.)
- Select the 'Closing Date From'
- Select the 'Closing Date To'
- Select tender type(s)
- Choose the store(s) you'd like to include in your report
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Listings'
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
Loyalty Accounts
Loyalty Accounts - This report will list all Loyalty accounts and their points issued/redeemed over a period of time as well as the store(s) the points were issued/redeemed in
From Date
- To Date
+ Store(s)
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Open Keys Listing
Open Keys Listing - This report lists the products which appear as non-scan products (open keys) on the POS
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Possible Duplicate Products
Possible Duplicate Products - This report identifies products which would have changed barcodes over time and were probably entered at some point on your system as two separate products. The product information as well as the product sales history can be viewed by clicking on the product in the report/ One product may have no sales history and can be deleted.
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Products in Promotions
Products in Promotions - This report is grouped into each separate promotion as a heading. Under each promotion, the product name of each product in the promotion is listed, together with the barcode, stock quantity, retail price and last date sold for each product. It can be filtered by ranges of products, barcodes, stock quantities and retail price.
- Product(s) - you can select a product to see what promotion it is in or select nothing to see all products in promotions
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Products without Category
Products without Category - Details each product which is not assigned to a category at a specified level
- Category level - Select a group level from a list
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Note level 1 - 5 are categories that products can be put into These product categories are created in the config module: stock categories, an example of a possible level one category is OTC this can be broken down further with level 2 categories such as Cough & Cold.
- When running a report on level 1 it will be run against every product in the categories under level 1
Promotions Listing
Promotions Listing - Lists all promotions by promotion description.
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Sales Group Listing
Sales Group Listing - Select the group level you wish to list. The report lists each group at the selected level and for the specified store(s). The numeric code for the group is also displayed.
- Category level - Select a group level from a list
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Note level 1 - 5 are categories that products can be put into These product categories are created in the config module: stock categories, an example of a possible level one category is OTC this can be broken down further with level 2 categories such as Cough & Cold.
- When running a report on level 1 it will be run against every product in the categories under level 1
Supplier Listing
Supplier Listing - This report lists each supplier for the specified store(s) together with supplier code.
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
From your TouchStore Retail 365 home screen, click on the 'Reports' icon
In the left-hand corner, select 'Accounts'
Click on the report name which you'd like to run
If you hover over the icon, you will see the detailed description of each report
- Below are detailed descriptions on how to run each report
Account Balances
Account Balances Report - This report shows all outstanding account balances as they were on the selected date
- Date - Select date to run report on
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Aged Debtors
Aged Debtors Report - This report details a list of the customers that owe or will soon owe your company money. Simply put, the aged debtor report lists a detailed account of which customers (debtors) owe your company money, how much they owe your company, and when they are supposed to complete payment.
- Date - Select date to run report on
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Gift Card Balances
Gift Card Balances Report - This report shows all of the gift balances on a particular date. It can be shown in summary format which displays a total balance per store or in a format that shows each gift card along with the balance
- Date - Select date to run the report on
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Show summary Report - This will display a total balance per store rather than a gift card
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome:
Summary version:
Loyalty Account Balances
Loyalty Account Balances Report - This report shows the loyalty account balances as they were on the selected date
- Date - Select date to run report on
- Store - Select which store to run the report on
- Click the 'Run Report' button to complete
- Alternatively, you can choose to download the report in Excel format by clicking 'Export to File' button
Report outcome: