Stock Takes
How to create a Stock Take
- To begin a stock take choose the type of stock take you wish to perform – Selective or Zeroising.
- Please Note: by choosing a “Selective Stock Take” the uncounted items are not zeroised at the end of a stock take.
- “Selective Stock Take” option is used where periodic stock takes of random or specific products are done and you do not want to zeroise all products you have omitted.
- Please Note: a "Zeroising Stock Take" will automatically zeroise ALL products included in the stock take that are not counted.
- If you wish to count your entire product range there is an option to tick "I want to count my entire product range"
- You can then filter the product list you wish to include in the stock take in four ways
- The Current Stock drop down can ignore stock quantities completely or limit it to positive or negitive stock
- The Supplier dropdown can limit the stock take to products assigned to a specific supplier The Category dropdown can limit the stock take to a products assigned to a specific category
- The Last Counted date can also be used as a filter
- Click the ‘Start Counting’ button
- Please note: If "Zeroising Stock Take" is chosen any items not counted will be given a zero quantity when the stock take is completed. This is irreversable.
- Please note: the combination of the “last Counted” with the “Positive Stock Level” can help identify “False Positives”, where products that are not actually in stock and have not been actually counted or zeroised since a particular date.**
During a Stock Take
- Once you have clicked the "Start Counting" button, a screen similar to that displayed below will now appear.
This screen allows you to: * Print Stock Take Sheets Press this button & the products withing the criteria you selected for the stock take will be generated onto stock take sheets which you can them print
- Enter Stock Take Quantities After filling out your stock take sheets you can then press this button & add the quantities, You have to ability to save your progress on this screen & once you have entered all the correct quantities you can then press save
- Show Products Counted So Far Allows you to see what products have been counted so far from this screen you also have the option of doing a stock varience report
- Add Product to this Stock Take You can also count products by either scanning the barcode or searching for them by their name in the below search bar
- Each time you add a product to the stock take a window similar to that displayed below will appear
You are given the option to either update or overwrite the stock level
From here you can view the current stock of the product and enter the updated quantity of it in the ‘Stock Count’ text box
Click the 'Update Quantity' button
Please Note - While a stock is in progress you will not be able to check in any orders**
How to end a Stock Take
Once you have counted all the products you wish to include in the stock take click the button
The Stock Take Results page will then appear detailing all information relating to the stock take
Please note that all products sold throughout the duration of the stock take will be featured in the ‘Products that need to be re-counted’ section. To ensure accurate results we advise that all products listed in this section are recounted
From here we can also run the Stock Variance report by clicking the ‘Stock Variance Report’ button.
This report details the difference in quantity and value between each product count and the original quantity and value.
- The “Stock Variance“ report contains the following columns:
- Product Name
- Original Qty (the qty of the product at the start of the stock take)
- Original Value (original qty * average purchasing cost)
- Count Qty (the qty counted)
- Count Value (qty counted * average purchasing cost)
- Adj Qty (the non stock take adjustments - sales, etc.)
- Adj Value (adj qty * average purchasing cost)
- Closing Stock (current qty on hand)
- Current Value (current stock * average purchasing cost)
NB: The “Stock Variance Report” also displays a total in the “value” columns. For example – the Count value is the total value of that product that is currently in stock e.g. count quantity * average purchasing cost)
- Please note the Stock Take Results screen can be displayed during the stock take. As a result, we can run the Stock Variance report at any point during the stock take by clicking on the “Show Products Counted So Far” button in the stock take screen and then the ‘Stock Variance Report’ button
How to view your Stock Take history
From the 365 homescreen select the Stock Take module and click on the History tab
A list of all historic stock takes, similar to that displayed below will then appear
- We can view the Stock Variance Report for any of these historic stock takes by selecting them from the list. From here we are brought to the Stock Take result page and can click the 'Stock Variance Report' button to run the report