Not on File

This module allows us to view all products that have been sold from the tills that were not previously put on file on the system

Please see Selling Not on File Products for a detailed account on how to complete a sale containing 'not on file' product(s)

After a minute of completing any sale with product(s) that do not yet exist on your product file the product(s) will appear in the 'Not on File' module in 365

N.B. If you create the product from the Not on File module all of the previous sales of this item will be associated to the newly created product.

Creating a 'Not on File' product which has previously been sold at the till

  • Select the 'Not on File' module the Retail 365 main screen
  • The screen displayed below will now appear, displaying all products that do not exist on your product file but have been sold at the till

  • Click the ++Create Product++ button


  • You will then be brought to the screen displayed below, allowing you enter all the information for your new product


  • Click Create

  • Click the StaffRoleConfig.pngbutton beside the product name in this screen if the product is actually an existing product with a new, unrecognised barcode. This will merge the two products together
  • Click the StaffRoleConfig.png button beside the product name to view all the individual sales of this product

Search for Not on File Products

  • To search for a specific not on file product you can either enter part of the description text of the product or enter the full barcode of the product you are searching for in the search bar of the not on file screen

  • To filter your search to return a list of related products click the StaffRoleConfig.png button
  • A screen similar to that in the image displayed below will then appear


  • From here we can filter our search using the barcode, the date created ,the product description and the retail price

  • To apply your filter click the StaffRoleConfig.png button