Back Office reports

To access Reports:

  • Open Rx 365
  • Click the Reports Module


  • The Reports Module will open the 1. Daily Reports section by default


- Common Report Functions

While many reports may contain different information when compared to each other, there are a number of common functions that can be carried out on Reports.

Located at the top of every report there are additional features:

  • Print
  • Favourite
  • Excel
  • CSV
  • Show Filters
  • Save Parameters as..
  • Show Parameters



  • Every Report In Rx 365 has a blue information icon 'i' located next to the report
  • Hovering the mouse over the Icon will give a brief description of what the report is used for


Choosing Parameters

Before you run a report, you may have to enter some parameters to tell the report what kind of information you are looking e.g. what Store do you want to report on, what date range are you looking at or what Level of Stock Category do you want to report on etc...

When selecting a report, you will first be brought to the parameters and asked to choose a number of them before running the report.

The Run Report option will be greyed out until all required fields have been filled out



  • Clicking Show Filters allows to further refine the search criteria to be more specific.



  • Clicking Excel will export the report to excel
  • Clicking CSV will export the report to CSV



  • Clicking Print will print out the report



Clicking Favourite will save the report to the Favourite section of the Orders Module located at the bottom of the reports tab.

This can be saved for quick access to reports that are run daily


Saving Parameters

  • Clicking Save parameters as.. will give the option to save a specific set of parameters applied to the report for quick access.
  • Click Save Parameters and enter in the name of the report to save.


  • This saved Parameters report can be now quickly accessed on the home page of the Todays Dispenses Report.


- Daily Reports

Todays Dispenses

This report shows a linst of all dispenses that were carried out today.

The report displays the following for each store selected:

  • Date
  • Store
  • Product
  • Pack Size
  • Manufacturer
  • Qty Dispensed
  • Pask Dispensed]
  • Pack Owed

- Ordering Reports

To access the reports:

  • Open Rx 365
  • Click the Reports Module
  • Click Orders from the reports menu.


The following reports will appear in Orders:

  • Orders by Supplier
  • Returns by Supplier
  • Stock Transfer Summery
  • Transfers by Store
  • Under-delivered Orders Report


Orders by Supplier

This report lists all purchase orders given in a specified date range, to specified (suppliers) and in a specified store(s).


The report displays the following for each order:

  • Date and Time
  • Store
  • Supplier
  • Order Number
  • Order Status
  • Number of items in the order
  • Order Value

The report can be filtered by applying ranges to the data in each column


Returns by Supplier

This report lists all returns to suppliers in a specified date range, to specified (suppliers) and in specified store(s)


This report displays the following for each supplier:

  • Date and time
  • Store
  • Supplier
  • Return number
  • Return Status
  • Number of items in the return
  • Return Value
  • Retail Value

The report can be filtered by applying ranges to the data in each column


Stock Transfers Summary

For specified date range and specific stores, this report displays the total of transfers in and the total of transfers out for each store specified


This report displays the following for each store:

  • Store name
  • Stock transfers in
  • Stock transfers out


Transfers By Store

For a specified date range and specific stores, this report displays each stock transfers in and each stock transfer out for each store listed.


The details listed for each transfer are as follows:

  • Transfer date
  • The Sending Store
  • The Receiving Store
  • The Transfer store
  • The Transfer Number
  • The Transfer Status
  • Number Of Items in the transfer
  • Transfer Value


Under delivered Orders Report

This report is run for a specific date range(s), specific supplier(s), and the specific store(s).

It displays all purchase orders where the quantity delivered for a product or products in the order is less than the quantity ordered.


The details listed in the report are as follows:

  • The date
  • The Store
  • Supplier
  • Order Number
  • Quantity Ordered
  • Quantity Delivered
  • Quantity Difference
  • Cost Ordered
  • Cost Delivered
  • Cost Difference

By clicking on the order number, the details of the undelivered products are displayed in a separate tab on the browser.


- Stock Reports

The following reports are reports that can be run in order to generate information about Stock Levels of products on the system.

Stock Adjustments Summary Report

This report details the net value of stock adjustments done in stock takes and on the product screen, for each product category in each store.

The following parameters can be specified

  • Date range
  • Sales group(s) level 1
  • Store(s)

For each category, the variance value, the sales in the defined period and the variance value as a percentage of sales are detailed.

There is the option to group this report by store or category by toggling the "Group By Store/Group by Category" button.



Stock Cover Report

This is a report which measures the level of stock versus the dispenses.

The number of week’s stock is the measure used.

The following parameters can be specified,

  • Product
  • Current stock quantity dispensed in the period specified when running the report
  • Last dispense date
  • Average weekly dispenses over the last 12 weeks.

The last column is the stock cover based on the current stock level and the average dispense quantity over the last twelve weeks.


Stock Movements Report

This report details the stock movements for a specified range of products.

The scope of the report can also be set by the date range, the category or categories, the supplier(s), the manufacturer(s), the product name or barcode, the adjustment type(s), adjustment value, adjustment quantity and the store(s).

For each product listed the date, the original stock quantity, the adjustment quantity and value, the adjustment reason and the staff member are also detailed.



Stocktake Variance Report

This report details the stock variances in stock takes in a specified period.

The scope of the report can also be set by the category, supplier(s), a manufacturer(s), variance value and quantity, and store(s).

It details each product in each stock take, the date, the opening stock quantity and value, the variance quantity and value, the additional adjustments due to dispenses during the stock and finally the closing stock quantity and value.

The report can also be filtered by each of the report columns.



Stock Value ( By Category )

This report is designed with the stock in each category grouped together as a subheading in the report.

The stock values of each product in the category are totalled as a subtotal, thus giving you the value of the stock for each product category.

The price, list average cost of each product is shown.

Then the stock value at list cost and average cost are all shown.

The report can be run for specific sections of the store by specifying suppliers and categories.



Stock Value On Date ( Summary )

This report gives you the stock totals per group as they were on the selected date



- Listing Reports

The following are reports that can be run in order to list various things such as Suppliers etc..

Supplier Listing

This report lists each supplier for the specified store(s) together with supplier code.

