Stock Transfers allow you to send stock back and forth between different stores within your pharmacy group.

Stock Transfer to another store

  • On the Rx 365 Homepage choose Stock Transfers


  • Search and select the Store you would like to transfer stock to


  • Search for each product you would like to add to this transfer


Once you select the Product you will be asked for the quantity of this product that you would like to transfer.

  • Once a quantity is added press + Add to Transfer


Once you have added all products to the Stock Transfer you can Send the Transfer by pressing Create Transfer

If you are not finished adding Products to the Stock Transfer you can Save by pressing Save

StaffRoleConfig.png and return to the Stock Transfer later.

- Fulfil a Stock Request (Transfer Stock to Another Store)

  • Log in to RX 365 and select the stock transfer Module.


  • Select the store to transfer stock too from the stores dropdown.

Any stock that is waiting to be sent to this store will be displayed here.


To add a product to the transfer list,

  • Enter in the products name or alternatively scan in the barcode
  • Enter in the transfer Quantity
  • Select Add to Tranfer


  • An individual item can be selected by selecting the button located next to that product.
  • To select all products in the stock transfer select the button located next to QTY button.


  • The stock transfer can be printed by selecting the Print icon located on the top of the screen. An item from the stock transfer can be deleted by selecting the button next to that item and then selecting the Bin icon.
  • Alternatively to delete all items select the button next to the QTY and select the Bin Icon.
  • To move an item(s) to another store transfer list select, Select the button(s) next to that item(s) and select the Move Icon.
  • Select the store and select Move items


  • The stock transfer can be saved by selecting the Save icon.
  • To create and send the transfer, select the Create Transfer button


This will then open the Print function to allow the transfer to be printed.

- Transfers Sent

To view all transfers that have been sent,

  • Select the Transfers Sent tab located in the left-hand side of the screen


We can see all the transfers that have been sent.

  • We can see the date and time
  • The store it was sent to
  • The number associated with that store
  • And the number of items in the stock transfer

A stock transfer can be viewed in more detail by selecting the individual stock transfer.

This will show the following,

  • The stock Transfer number
  • The date and time the Stock transfer was sent
  • The individual products transferred
  • The barcode of that product + The amount transferred of each product
  • The individual and total cost price of each product
  • The total value of the stock transfer

The stock transfer can also be printed by selecting the print Icon


- Stock Transfers Request In - How to Fulfil a Stock Request

To View requests in from other stores,

  • Select 'Requests In' located on the left-hand side of the page


Here we can see all requests for stock sent from other stores

  • We can see the date and time of the stock transfer request
  • The Store it was sent from
  • The request Number associated with the transfer
  • The number of lines/Products in the request
  • The fulfilled/Actioned number of items in the stock transfer
  • The percentage of the Stock transfer request that has been completed.


The stock transfer Request can be viewed in more detail by selecting the individual request.


We can see the date and time the Stock request was sent

We can also see:

  • What products(s) are included in the request
  • Our stores current stock level
  • The barcode of the product
  • The requested Quantity
  • The amount we will send
  • The Cost price of the product
  • The remaining stock ( after we respond to the stock request )


The amount to send to the store can be manually entered by entering the value into the 'To Send' box.

Alternatively, we can select Autofill located on the top of the page.


  • Once ready select 'Send transfer' to send the stock to the requesting Store.
  • A stock transfer message will appear to show that the transfer was successful.
  • The Stock Transfer can also be printed by selecting Print.


Stocks Transfers - Sending a Stock Request

To send a Stock Request to another store,

  • Select Requests Out located on the left-hand side of the screen.


  • Enter in the name of the product to search it.


This will open the product information from all linked stores.

We can see the products stock levels in other stores.

  • Now we can enter in the quantities we want to request from a/multiple stores.
  • When finished select Add to request.

This will add the items to the stock request.


  • The stock transfer can be printed by selecting the Print Icon
  • An item(s) can be deleted by selecting the button located on the left of each product and selecting the Bin Icon located on the top of the page
  • All items can be selected by selecting the button located next to QTY.
  • An item can be placed on hold ( this item will not be requested ) by selecting the button next to the item and selecting the Hold button
  • Any items on Hold will show in Blue
  • To unhold an item select the button next to that item and select unhold.
  • To send the Stock Transfer Request, select the Send Request button.


The sent Stock transfer request will then move to the request sent tab located on the left-hand side of the screen.

The Stock Transfer Tab shows all stock transfer request that has been sent.

  • Here we can see the date and time the request was sent
  • The Stores it was sent to
  • The individual request number
  • The number of items in the request


- Waiting to Check-in

To view orders waiting to check-in,

  • Select the waiting to check-in tab located on the left-hand side of the page


This will show us all Transfers that are waiting to be checked in.

We can see the

  • Date and time the transfer was sent
  • The store it was sent from
  • The individual number associated with the transfer
  • The number of lines/products in the transfer
  • The exceptions
  • The shorts
  • The amount verified

We can view the transfer in detail and book it into stock by selecting the individual transfer.

Here we can see + The transfer Number and store the transfer was sent from + The product + The barcode associated with the product + The amount requested and the amount received + The cost price + the Total price of the product requested + The Total price of the Full Transfer.


  • After counting the products to ensure the amount requested is the same as the amount received, Autofill, located at the top of the page, can be selected. This will presume that all QYTs match
  • Below we can enter in the Invoice details and any notes where applicable
  • To Print out the stock transfer, select the Print Icon
  • To delete an item from the stock transfer select the button located on the left of each product and select the Bin Icon, alternatively enter 0 ( zero) into the stock received to show that you have not received this product.


  • To book the competed transfer into stock select Complete Transfer.


- Stock Transfers - View History

To view Historic Stock Transfers,

  • Select the History tab located on the left-hand side.

Here we can see a full history of ALL Stock Transfers.


We can see the,

  • Date and time
  • The individual number associated with the transfer
  • The transfer type
  • The store it was sent from
  • The store it was sent to
  • The number of lines/products in the transfer

The Transfer History can be filtered by selecting the filter button and entering in more specific details pertaining to that order.

  • To apply the filter select Apply filter.


A transfer can be viewed in detail by selecting the individual transfer.

Here we can view the,

  • Stock transfer Number and date sent
  • Who it was Checked in by
  • the Product sent
  • The barcode of the individual product
  • The amount transferred.recieved
  • The individual cost of the item and the total cost of the order.


The Historic transfer can be printed by selecting the Print icon located on the top of the page.

- Return to a Stock Transfer that was saved

  • On Rx 365 Homepage choose Stock Transfers


  • Search and select the Store you would like to transfer stock to


If you previously saved the Stock Transfer, your Saved Stock Transfer will appear

You can only have One Stock Transfer per store

If you need to send a New Stock Transfer to a store that already has a saved Stock Transfer, you can:

  • Send the Saved Stock Transfer first and then create a new Stock Transfer Or
  • Add the new items you want to transfer to the Saved Stock Transfer and send all as one Stock Transfer Or
  • Delete the items in the Saved Stock Transfer and create a new Stock Transfer

- Delete Items from Stock Transfer Screen

To delete one product from the Stock Transfer screen

  • Tick the product you would like to delete
  • Press the trash can


To delete all products from the Stock Transfer screen

  • Tick the Select All Tick Box - this is the top tick box
  • Once this is ticked, all items are selected
  • Press the trash can button


- View the Stock Transfer I just created

Stock Transfers that have just been created can br reviewed,

  • On Rx 365 Homepage click Stock Transfers


  • Select the History tab and click the Filter button


Ensure Include orders / transfers that have not been checked in is ticked and click Apply Filter.

All Stock Transfers will appear with a Status.

The Stock Transfer you created will appear here


Duplicate a stock transfer and send to other stores

  • On Rx 365 Homepage choose Stock Transfers


  • Navigate to Transfer Sent located on the left of the page.
  • Select the Stock Transfer that you wish to duplicate and send to another store by ticking the box located nect to the Transfer


  • Select the Send To Other Stores.... button.


  • Select the store that you want to send thje duplicate Stock Transfer too.


Editing Quantities

The Stock Transfer quantities can also be edited

To send the Stock Transfer without editing it,

  • I do not want to edit the Quantities - send the transfer as is


To edit the Stock Transfer quantities at a later date,

  • I want to be able to edit the quantities at a later date


To send the Stock Transfer

  • Select 'Create Transfer'


To cancel the Stock Transfer,

  • Select Cancel
