How to use the Product Search Filter while Dispensing

Above the DRUG search field, there are four options that allow you to adjust the filtering parameters that are used when searching for a drug. You can cycle through these by pressing F8 on your keyboard.


  • RECENT - This will show all the products recently dispensed.
  • ACTIVE PRODUCTS - This will show all Products that are marked as active
  • GENERIC SEARCH - This will search by the Generic name of the item, e.g. Searching Paracetamol will bring up all products containing Paracetamol.
  • BRAND/GENERIC - This will filter the search to both the Brand Name and the Generic Name of all products.

How to Enter Dispensed, Prescribed and Owed Quantities

  • DRUG - Typing into this field will start your search for the product you are dispensing such as recent, activem, etc.
  • DISPENSED - Enter here the Quantity of the drug that will be dispensed. When a product is selected the total quantity of a drug in a pack will be added. E.G. 1 pack has 28 tabs, the quantity will be 28.
  • PRESCRIBED - Enter here the Quantity of the drug that has been prescribed to the patient. Like with the DISPENSED field, when a product is selected the total quantity of a drug in a pack will be added.
  • OWED - This will display the Quantity of the drug that is owed to the patient, namely the difference between the DISPENSED Quantity and the PRESCRIBED Quantity.

How to Enter Repeats

  • MAXIMUM - The Number of repeats that will be made for the drug.( if you are wanting to do a total of 4 phases, you should enter 3 here. 3 + the dispense you are currently doing )
  • MADE - The number of repeats that have been made for the drug.
  • LEFT - The Number of repeats left for the drug, namely the difference between the MAXIMUM amount and the MADE amount.

How to Enter Drug Directions / Instructions / Codes

  • DOSAGE - Enter here the Dosage Code for directions already entered in the system, e.g. MD will generate the directions "AS DIRECTED"

    • Double-clicking into the DOSAGE field will bring up the list of dosage codes and their instructions which you can select from.


Using this window you can enter a new dosage code and the directions attached to it by clicking the insert button


Enter in the Shortcode you wish to assign to the dosage and the Description attached to it and click OK


  • DIRECTIONS - In this section, the directions for the drug that will appear on the label will display.
    • If you are using the Dosage Codes, the directions will automatically generate.
    • Instead of using a Dosage Code you can simply enter your own text for this dispense.

How to Select the Scheme/ Script Type

  • SCHEME - Select the scheme that the drug will be dispensed on
  • EMER SUPPLY/LOAN - Underneath the scheme dropdown will be either EMER SUPPLY/LOAN, depending on the settings of the scheme you are dispensing on.
  • PHASED - Tick box for starting the processing of phasing the dispense.
  • NOT DISPENSED - Tick box to mark the item as not dispensed.
  • NOT GIVEN - Tick box to mark the item as not given.

How to View the Costs of a Dispense

  • TOTAL COST - The total cost of the drug, including fees, markup etc.
  • EXTRA CHARGES - You can add in extra charges into this field that you want to be added to the Total Cost of the current dispense of the drug to the patient.
    • You can make this figure a positive or negative value.
    • Please note that upon repeat of this dispense, this extra charge will be carried over to the next dispense until removed.
  • COST PRICE - The cost of the product itself, as in the cost of purchasing the product from the supplier.

How to Add Notes to a Drug

  • Highlight the drug, on the bottom right hand corner you will see “Enter Drug Note Here”.


  • Type in what you would like to say, you will then see that a Green tick appears in the note column, this is to highlight that there is a note against this particular drug.


How to Print a Split Label

  • Start by dispensing your description as normal, press ALT I or click on new script and enter in your items you want to dispense, once you fill in your dosage.

  • Note: for this option to appear, you must have the option "free type drug labels" enabled in configuration - application - dispensing.

  • Click on the down arrow beside Next, you will see next and free type label will appear, click on this.


  • Enter in the number of labels you want to print and click on Ok or ALT O and your labels will then be printed.


How to Print an Ad Hoc Label

  • To create an AD HOC label double click on F4.
  • A print AD HOC label will box will then appear.


  • You have the option to choose from a saved template or to create your own.

  • To choose a saved template double click in the box and all your saved templates will appear.


  • Highlight the template you want and press ALT S or click on Select
  • it will then appear in the label content box and press
  • ALT P or click on Print to print the label

How to View Counselling Codes, Warnings & Notes in the Dispense Info Tab

  • In the DISPENSE INFO TAB, there are three fields each containing information for the drug dispensed.
  • The First fields containing the COUNSELLING CODES for the drug, the second field containing the DRUG WARNINGS and the third contains NOTES on this individual dispense of the drug.


  • NOTES can be entered in this third field and can then be seen in the patients PMR when the drug is selected.


  • NOTE - COUNSELLING CODES and WARNINGS are maintained by the IPU.
  • If you notice either of these are incorrect please check that you are running your monthly IPU changes file.

How to View Rx Date, Drug Validity, PSI Info in the Additional Information Tab


  • RX DATE - Allows you to set the date on the script. This can be changed by clicking the DROP DOWN ARROW or using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT CTRL, ALT and R
  • VALID UNTIL - Defaults to six months from the RX DATE. This can be changed by clicking the DROP DOWN ARROW or using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT CTRL, ALT and U
  • PSI INFO - Used to store additional information on a dispense which you may need in the case of an inspection. This can be changed by clicking the PSI INFO button or using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and O. A screen will appear which allows you to enter the information.


  • DRUG LABEL - Drug Label Template, can be changed by clicking the DROP DOWN ARROW. (if you double-click the drop down box, it will allow you do add a new layout )
  • GMS DOCTOR - Patients GMS DOCTOR, can be changed by clicking the DROP DOWN ARROW or using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT CTRL, ALT and G.
  • PRESCRIBER - Patients PRESCRIBER, can be changed by clicking the DROP DOWN ARROW or using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT CTRL, ALT and P.
  • PRESCRIBED DRUG - Allows you to enter the PRESCRIBED DRUG if it differs to the one dispensed. The tick box can be ticked or KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and B, this will bring up a screen so that the prescribed drug can be entered.
  • ON HAND - This is the QUANTITY of the item which you have on hand.
    • NOTE Orders must be validated for ON HAND to be reflected correctly.
  • PACK SIZE - Size of the pack being dispensed
  • PENDING - ITEM is on an order pending list for a supplier.
  • ON ORDER - Item is ON ORDER with a supplier and the order has not been validated yet.
  • PC - This is the POISON CODE for the item.
  • GMS NO - GMS NUMBER of the item, this can be changed by DOUBLE-CLICKING the field containing the GMS NUMBER. The KEYBOARD SHORT KEY ALT and . can also be used.
  • BATCH NO - BATCH NUMBER of the item, can be entered by clicking on the BATCH NO field.
  • EXPIRY - EXPIRY DATE of the item, can be entered by clicking on the EXPIRY field.

How to View Pricing in the Pricing Tab


  • COST PRICE - This reflects the COST PRICE of the item as it is set up on the system.
  • MARK UP - This is the MARK UP set on the product either through a PRICE POINT or SCHEME SETTING.
  • DISPENSE FEE - This is the DISPENSE FEE set on the product either through a PRICE POINT or a SCHEME SETTING.
  • BROKEN BULK - Charge applied if for example the quantity prescribed is 30 and the pack size is 28.
  • CONTAINER CHARGE - This is the CONTAINER CHARGE set on the product either through a PRICE POINT or a SCHEME SETTING.
  • EXTRA CHARGES - This can either be an additional amount added to the total or deducted from the total.
    • NOTE - When you repeat a dispense which has an EXTRA CHARGE the EXTRA CHARGE will be applied to this new dispense as well.
  • VAT - This reflects the VAT set up on the product, this can be seen by searching for the product in PRODUCT MAINTAINANCE and looking at the product PRICING TAB in
  • SUPPLEMENT AMOUNT - This is the SUPPLEMENT AMOUNT due on the item dispensed.

How to Phase a Dispense

How to go to Orders, Product Maintenance from the Dispensing Screen


  • ORDER - This brings up the QUICK ORDER SCREEN allowing you to place the item on order and look at other order information.
  • PRODUCT - This brings you to the PRODUCT in PRODUCT MAINTENANCE.
  • QUICK REF - This brings up the PRODUCT REFERENCE screen. A PRODUCT REFERENCE can be set up in PRODUCT MAINTENANCE and can be set to display a message when the item is dispensed.
  • HIDE FROM RECENT - This stops the product from displaying in the recent search when dispensing.

How to Insert an Emergency Item

  • When on the dispensing screen, after having entered the details of the drug, Dispense Amount, Dosage etc... if the item(s) is one that a script hasn't been provided for yet then the item(s) is to be marked as an Emergency item.

  • To do this you must tick the 'EMER SUPPLY' option.

  • Note - The appearance of this option is dependent upon the settings of the scheme you are dispensing under


  • When you tick the box the following window will appear:


  • Using this Window you will select the reason the patient is being given an emergency supply of the drug.
  • If the reason you are giving is not available in the dropdown, double-click into the dropdown and you will be able to add in a new reason in the window provided.

  • If you are finished, then you can then select Complete to complete the script

  • The item(s) will appear like normal on the patient's file, but for the drug(s) dispensed as an Emergency Supply, there will be a note on the drug showing the Emergency Reason.


How to Dispense an Extemporaneous Item

  • On the dispensing screen, on the bottom, the following button is available for creating an Extemp Item.


  • Clicking this button will bring up the following screen:


  • Note: If you get a message that the Extemp fees have not been setup please contact Touchstore Support.

  • In the Product section of this Window, you will see the following fields:

  • Type - The type of extemp that is being created e.g. Powder.
  • Pricing Sizes - The Pricing for the extemp dependent on the size of the extemp e.g. Mixture up to 100ml.
  • Extemp fee - The Extemp fee for the dispense that is dependent of what was selected for the Type and Pricing Size of the extemp.


  • Note: The available options for Type and Pricing Sizes will differ depending on the scheme selected for the dispense.

  • Once you have selected your type and pricing size for the extemp you can now go ahead add your ingredients for the extemp.

  • In the Ingredients section, there is a search bar available. As you would for searching for a product on the dispensing screen, type in the name of the ingredient you want to add.


Once added, you can adjust the Qty of the Ingredient you have added by selecting the Qty Field and typing in the adjusted qty.

  • Once the qty has been adjusted hit return on your keyboard and the total cost for the ingredient will adjust accordingly.

  • Adjustment of the Qty can be done at any point during the creation of the extemp by simply selecting the ingredient whose qty you want to adjust.


  • To add in more Ingredients to the extemp select the Insert Option and then type in the name of the ingredient you would like to add.

  • If there is an Ingredient that you want to delete from the extemp item, select the item and select the delete option.

  • Once you have added all your ingredients, click Ok which will close the Extemp Window.

  • You will be brought back to the dispensing screen:


  • The first point you will note is that the Drug Name is a concatenation of each of the ingredients names that have been added to the extemp.

  • Note: The Extemp fee is included in the Cost Price of the Extemp.

  • Also, the GMS number for the extemp will be generated.

  • The GMS Number generated is dependent on the Type and Pricing Size of the Extemp.

  • A GMS number will be added automatically but please verify that the GMS number is correct for the Extemp being dispensed as the ones provided are Guideline codes and may differ dependent on changes that may occur on the HSE/PCRS side.

  • Finally, the Dispense Quantity for the Extemp will be 1 by default but quantities for the Ingredients added to the Extemp are stored within it.

  • Once you are finished with creating the Extemp select Complete to finish the dispense.

How to Forward the Dispense Date of Prescription

  • You may have a script whose Dispense Date will not be until next month and as such you will want to move the dispense date for the script forward.

  • Note - This can be done for a new script or an existing script.

  • When on the dispensing screen, select the 'Select All' option and then select Dispense Date.


  • Note - If you only want to do this for the item you currently have selected then click the down arrow next to the Select All box and then select Dispense date.

  • The 'Edit Dispense Date' Window will appear.


  • In the Dispense Date field, enter the date that you want to move the Dispense Date to.


  • Once you have selected the date press ok and the Window will close having updated the dispense date of the items on the script.


  • Note - The Original dispense date of the item appears in the drugs notes


  • Note - If you forward date the item into the next month then the form number generate will be for next month. E.G. The current month is March and we are forward dating a script into April, an April Form Number will be generated for the script.

How to change the claiming period for a script

  • You may have a script that either you don't want to claim for till next month or it was not sent in the Claim Bundle for the month it was dispensed.

  • In this scenario you change the claim period, form number, of the script.

  • Note this item being dispensed in March, it will generate a form number for March when completed


  • If we want to send this script, with items dispensed in March, in our April claim bundle, then we need to change the claim period of the script.

  • To do this, select the 'Select All' option and then select Form Date.

  • Note - If you only want to do this for the item you current have selected then click the down arrow next to the Select All box and then select Form Date.

  • The following window will appear:


  • Using this window, select the Claim Period you want to move the script into. Then select Ok once you have selected the Claim Period.


  • Back on the dispensing screen, you will see that the item has a Form Number for April.


  • Select Complete and back on the PMR screen you will see the full Form Number generated for April.


How to adjust the repeats for all items of a script

  • On the dispense screen, select the 'Select All' option and then select Adjust Repeats


  • Note - If you only want to do this for the item you currently have selected then click the down arrow next to the Select All box and then select Adjust Repeats.

  • The following Window will appear:


  • It shows the Following details: Patient - The patient's name Current Drug - The drug you have selected to adjust the repeats for. Note - If you choose the Select all option, though it states one drugs name, the repeats added will be for all drugs. Repeats Made - Number of Repeats completed Max Repeats - Number of Repeats to be done.

  • Once you have added in the details needed, select OK and the repeats will be adjusted accordingly.

How to change the dispensed scheme for all items of a script

  • On the dispense screen, select the 'Select All' option and then select Scheme


  • Note - If you only want to do this for the item you currently have selected then click the down arrow next to the Select All box and then select Scheme.

  • The following Window will appear :


  • It shows the following details: Patient - The patient's name Current Drug - The drug you have selected to adjust the scheme for. Note - If you choose the Select all option, though it states one drugs name, the scheme selected will be for all drugs. Current Scheme - The Scheme the item(s) is currently on. New Scheme - The Scheme the item(s) will be changed

  • Once you have added in the details needed, select ok and the schemes will be adjusted accordingly.

How to change a doctor

  • For an individual drug: This can be done by selecting the drug which the GMS DOCTOR needs to be changed on and selecting the DOWN ARROW beside SELECT ALL and choosing GMS DOCTOR from the menu.

  • On the left-hand side of the dispensing screen, there is a tab named ADD INFO.

  • If you wish to change an individual Drugs GMS DOCTOR you can do so by selecting the Drug which needs the GMS DOCTOR changed. You can then enter the beginning of the GMS DOCTORS Surname as done so above in the GMS DOCTOR search box You can also double-click in the GMS DOCTOR search box to open the MAINTAIN PROFESSIONALS FIELD and enter the Surname.


  • For multiple drugs: On the dispensing screen select the SELECT ALL option and GMS DOCTOR. This can be done using the mouse or ATL and A


  • Then press G on the keyboard


  • You can then change the GMS DOCTOR by searching for the doctor in the drop down menu or typing the beginning or the GMS Doctors Surname in the search bar. In the below example the GMS DOCTOR being searched for was Joe Bloggs. In the search box Blog was entered and any GMS Doctor with that Surname will appear in the field underneath the search box.


  • NOTE - If you enter multiple Drugs on when dispensing and there is more than one GMS DOCTOR the dispense will be split into different Scripts with different Form Numbers. The same occurs when there are multiple schemes on a dispense, they will have different Form Numbers. It is worth noting that when a SCHEME/GMS Doctor differs when you are on the dispensing screen the Scheme/GMS DOCTOR will appear in RED.


Changing the Form Date

  • The FORM DATE is the month in which the script will be sent in the Claim. The FORM DATE is the first four digits of the FORM NUMBER. ie. GM1702/0001:

  • 'GM' indicates the Scheme for the dispense.

  • '1702' indicates the Year and Month.
  • '17' means the Year is 2017
  • '02' means the Month is February.
  • '0001' indicates the Sequence Number e.g. this is the first script for February 2017 under the GM scheme.


  • To change the FORM DATE either use the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press F or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and FORM DATE. This will then bring up the below field. In this field, you can select the month you wish to claim for the script.


  • Example - If a patient was going away on holidays. Their last dispense was the 1st of February (February FORM DATE) and they will be away for two months. The patient collects their script for the two months on the 28th of February. For the March Script, just the FORM DATE will need to be changed. For the April Script, both the FORM DATE and the DISPENSE DATE will need to be changed to April so that they can be claimed for successfully.

Changing/Setting up a Reminder Date

  • If the MY DAY application is used REMINDERS can be set on Scripts.

  • To set a REMINDER on a Script use the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press E or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and REMINDER DATE.


  • Select the Date and Time you would like to reminder for and click OK.

  • This screen also allows you to remove a reminder.

REMINDERDATE Once a REMINDER is set on a Script is will be seen on the dispensing screen.


  • Order Items being Dispensed To open the ORDER FORM to order what is being dispensed use the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press O or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and ORDER ITEMS. This will open the below screen.


  • ORDER ITEMS has the same functionality as QUICK ORDER which is accessed by pressing F7 on any screen.


  • For an individual drug: This can be done in two ways by changing it in the ADD INFO tab on the bottom right of the dispense screen by selecting the drug which the RX DATE and PRESCRIBER needs to be changed for and selecting the DOWN ARROW beside SELECT ALL and choosing RX DATE from the menu.



  • For multiple drugs: To change the RX DATE and PRESCRIBER use the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press X or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and RX DATE. This will open the CHANGE RX DATE Screen

Select the DOWN ARROW on the RXDATE field and select the RX DATE required. If the PRESCRIBER differs from the GMS DOCTOR it can be changed in this screen as well by entering the Surname of the PRESCRIBER by selecting the DOWN ARROW on the PRESCRIBER Field. The PRESCRIBER field can also be accessed by using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and P when on the CHANGE RX DATE Screen.


Reprint receipt, bag & drug labels in PMR

On the bottom of a patient's PMR you will see: Receipt,Bag and Label


  • To reprint a receipt press ALT R or click on Receipt.
  • To reprint a Bag press ALT B or click on Bag.
  • To reprint a Label highlight the item press ALT L or click on Label.

To Reprint Labels

  • For an individual drug: If you wish to REPRINT a Label for an individual item on the script select the item and the DOWN ARROW beside the SELECT ALL and click on the REPRINT LABELS.

NOTE - Labels can be reprinted from the PMR SCREEN by clicking the LABEL BUTTON or by using the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and L.

  • For multiple drugs: To REPRINT LABELS of all items in the script, use KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press P or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and REPRINT LABELS.


Create prescription scan

To capture an image, start by highlighting the dispensing on which you would like the image to be attached to then press ALT N or click on View Scan.

Once the prescription is in the correct position press snap and then click save.


You may also choose to add another image to do this click on New then click on Snap and press Save.


On the screen you will see the first image and if you click on next you will see the second image. Click on close and you will be brought in to the patient's PMR.

View scan attached to script

To view an image, start by highlighting the dispensing on which you see an image icon.


Press ALT N or click on View Scan, from here you will be able to view the already existing image.


You can delete this image, zoom in and out ETC. To close out of this box, click on close and you will be brought back to the patient's PMR

How to Handle Not Dispensed Items

  • For an individual drug: An individual item can be set to NOT DISPENSED in two ways. The DOWN ARROW beside the SELECT ALL button can be clicked and then NOT DISPENSED or NOT DISPENSED tick box can be ticked With both methods a screen will appear and you will be required to insert your pin and NOT DISPENSED reason.




  • For multiple drugs: To set all of the items in the script to NOT DISPENSED use KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press N or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and NOT DISPENSED.

A screen will then appear in which you can mark the script as NOT DISPENSED by ticking the NOT DISPENSED tick box.


You will then need to enter your pin and the NOT DISPENSED reason as above.

NOTE - On the PMR a NOT DISPENSED item will appear in red and there will be a NOTE which contains the NOT DISPENSED reason. If you wish to take an item off NOT DISPENSED you will need to untick the NOT DISPENSED tick box. If the items GMS NUMBER needs to be changed it can be done in the ADD INFO tab by DOUBLE-CLICKING in the field containing the GMS NUMBER.


How to Handle Not Given

If the patient is not receiving the item on the script please use Not Dispensed

Items that are going to be dispensed to the patient in the very near future ( i.e. they will come back for the item the next day ) can be set to Not Given. This item will be set to the colour pink and will be moved to the top of the PMR. If you edit a script that includes a Not Given item we presume the patient has returned so we take the item off Not Given


  • For an individual drug: An individual item can be set to NOT GIVEN in two ways. The DOWN ARROW beside the SELECT ALL button can be clicked and then NOT GIVEN or NOT GIVEN tick box can be ticked.



  • For multiple drugs: To set all of the items in the script to NOT GIVEN use KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A, then press T or use the MOUSE to SELECT ALL and NOT GIVEN.

NOTE - A NOT GIVEN dispense will stay at the top of the PMR appearing in PINK and should be dispensed using the REPEAT button



Claim Defender

CLAIM DEFENDER is a screen which will appear if you are dispensing an item which may be rejected by the PCRS when you send your CLAIM.

An example of this is Viagra, only 4 should be dispensed in any given month. In the image below I attempted to dispense 6 tablets.


The CLAIM DEFENDER screen will give you the rule code, the description of the rule and the name of the item being dispensed.

If you wish the rule not to apply to this item and patient in future you can click the ALLOW PRODUCT button, then press YES and OK or use KEYBOARD SHORTCUT ALT and A then Y, followed by ALT and O. You will then be asked to input your PIN.


NOTE - These RULES are displayed as per the PCRS.

Allergy or Contraindication Interaction

If an ALLERGY OR CONTRAINDICATED CONDITION is added to a patient's information on the PATIENT MAINTENANCE (F3) screen under the MEDICAL tab the below screen will appear if an item is dispensed which has the same ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) CODE.


Interaction Warnings

When an item is dispensed the system looks at the other scripts dispensed within the INTERACTION PERIOD and if the item being dispensed has an INTERACTION with any item within the INTERACTION PERIOD if will display the below screen.

In this example, Warfant was dispensed and I then tried to dispense Nuprin.


If you wish to print the INTERACTION WARNING then either click the Print button or use the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT P.

To see the INTERACTION WARNING in more detail either click the Select button or use the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT S.


To return to the first screen press the All button or KEYBOARD SHORTCUT A.

To Close the INTERACTION WARNING screen press the Close button or KEYBOARD SHORTCUT C.

Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive Legislation July 2017

From 1 July 2017, female medical card holders will be able to obtain Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) directly from their pharmacist, without a GP prescription, following a pharmacist delivered consultation.

The current version of TouchStore Rx does not yet encompass all of the required functionality for this legislation however you can use the below steps to dispense and claim for a product under the EHC legislation.

Please be advised that you must have applied the July 2017 IPU Changes file to your TouchStore Rx system or manually created the "EHC CONSULTATION" products in order to correctly claim for these dispenses.

There are three steps you will need to follow:

  • Set up the Pharmacy as a Prescriber
  • Dispense the Consultation Product
  • Dispense the EHC Drug (if applicable)

To set up the Pharmacy as a Prescriber, follow the steps for Professional (Doctor) Maintenance and insert a new Professional to your TouchStore Rx. Ensure to set their GMS Number to be that of your Pharmacy's GMS Number.

To dispense the Consultation Product, visit the patient's PMR file and click New Script. Depending on whether you will be supplying the patient with the drug or not following on from the consultation, search for one of the below products.

Product Name GMS Number

If you have never dispensed the EHC CONSULTATION product before you may need to hit F8 on your keyboard to change the search filter to Active Products.

Set the DISPENSED quantity to 0. Set the PRESCRIBED quantity to 1. Ensure the OWED quantity is 1. Untick the € tickbox to ensure we do not charge a GMS Levy for this item. Set the PRESCRIBER for the product to the Professional you set up earlier for your pharmacy.

If, following on from the consultation, you will be dispensing an EHC drug to the patient, you will need to dispense it within the same script as the EHC CONSULTATION product. Search for the drug and dispense it as normal. Do not dispense it as an Owing like the EHC CONSULTATION product. Set the PRESCRIBER for the product to the Professional you set up earlier for your pharmacy.

Below you will see an example of a script where an EHC CONSULTATION product is dispensed alongside an EHC Drug.


Once you are happy with the details on the script, click COMPLETE.

In the current version of TouchStore Rx you will now get a Bag Label with a GMS Levy for the EHC Drug. Unfortunately there is currently no workaround within the system for this so we recommend that you make a note on the patient's PMR that there is an incorrect GMS Levy being charged to them this month so that other staff will bear this in mind for any future dispensing to the patient.

How Do I Mark Prescription Items as being Kept on File

  • From the PMR Console
  • Click F2 Patient Search
  • Select the patient’s file
  • Click Alt & I to Insert the required items
  • Enter all details as normal
  • Click Ctrl & N to mark the items to be kept on file as "Keep on File"
  • Click Alt & N for the next item or Click Alt & O to complete the dispense
  • Click F12 to complete the dispense

The selected item(s) has been marked as kept on file.

  • These items will appear in the Current Dispense section at the top of the Patient’s PMR. The Form number column will be shaded in purple.

How Do I Repeat a Phased Dispense

  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the patient to dispense to
  • Select each item you want to repeat, use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the patient’s dispense history. Phased Items are highlighted in Blue to make them easier to identify
  • Click the space-bar on the keyboard to select and deselect items
    • You can also select items by holding the Shift key and Clicking items required with the mouse
  • Once all items are highlighted, Click F8 or Click on the Repeat button at the bottom of the screen
    • Depending on configuration, the Drug Dispense screen will appear for all items on the selected script
  • Check the details for each item and Click F12
  • All items for the selected script will now be displayed on the Confirm Dispense screen and Drug label will have been printed. Note that only the Phased quantity is printed on the labels
  • Confirm that all the details are correct on the Confirm Dispense screen and Click F12 to complete the dispense, get a form number, print a bag label and print a Receipt

How Do I View/Edit a Drug Note from the PMR Console

  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the patient for whom you wish to make the note
  • The PMR Console will open
    • Drug notes are indicated with a green tick under the Notes column
    • Use the up and down arrow keys to select the item with a note you wish to view
    • As you arrive on the item, the drug note is automatically displayed in the Drug Notes text box at the bottom right of the PMR Console
  • Click Alt & D, the Notes screen will open for the selected Drug Note visible at the bottom of the PMR Console
  • You can now edit the note as required
  • Click Alt & C to save and close when complete

How Do I View Extemporaneous Dispense Ingredients

  • Select the original dispense on the patient’s history
  • Click Alt & W
  • The Extemporaneous Products screen will appear listing all ingredients


  • Click Alt & O or click Ok to close

How Do I Dispense a Reference Priced Item

The patient accepts your preferred pack which is priced at the reference price

  • Select your preferred generic pack of ATORVASTATIN selecting the strength as required, as normal.
  • There is only one change in how this item will be dispensed - the ‘Preferred Product Substitution’ screen will appear.
  • To claim for a reference priced item, the PCRS now require you to record prescribed information. That is, you must select how the prescription is actually written by the doctor.
  • Select one of the following options. in the HSE Info dropdown
    • INN Prescribed: Doctor wrote the generic name on the prescription
    • Proprietary Prescribed: Doctor wrote the brand name on the prescription + Branded Generic Prescribed: Doctor wrote the brand name of a generic on the prescription
    • Do Not Sub-Written by Pres: Doctor wrote “Do not Substitute” in their own hand on the prescription


  • Then click ‘Dispense Alternative’ or Click Alt & U to continue the dispense
  • Complete the dispense as you normally would.

The patient elects to only accept the original brand, LIPITOR

  • On the Dispense Drugs panel, type LIPITOR and select the strength/pack as required, as normal
  • On the Preferred Product Substitution Screen select ‘Patient has agreed to pay the supplement’)’
  • On the bottom right-hand corner of the Preferred Product Substitution Screen, the Patient Supplement Due – if any - is displayed.
  • Click the Dispense Current button
  • The Product Substitution Screen will close
  • The background colour of the Drug Dispense Panel will change to to indicate that the product was not substituted at the patients’ request and an OB(P) button will appear beside the TOTAL COST field


OB(P) = Original Brand (Patient Request)

Hint: Click the OB(P) button to open the Product Substitution Screen.

  • The cost price displayed on the Pricing tab [F9] is the original Cost Price/Trade Price as per the IPU Product file. A new Supplement Amount displays the patient supplement due
  • Complete the dispense as you normally would.

The Doctor has prescribed LIPITOR and has written Do Not Substitute in their own handwriting on the prescription

  • On the Dispense Drugs panel, type LIPITOR and select the strength/pack required as normal
  • On the Preferred Product Substitution Screen under HSE Info select Do Not Sub-Written by Pre)’
  • To claim for a reference priced item, the PCRS now require you to record prescribed information. I.e. how was the prescription written by the doctor?
  • From the “HSE Info” list, Select; 'Do Not Substitute'
  • Press the Dispense Current button
  • The Product Substitution Screen will close
  • The background colour of the Drug Dispense Panel will change to white to indicate that the product was not substituted at the doctors’ request and an OB(D) button will appear beside the TOTAL COST field

referencePrice OB(D) = Original Brand (Doctor Request)

Hint: Click the OB(D) button to open the Product Substitution Screen.


  • The cost price displayed on the Pricing tab is the original cost price / Trade Price for the item, as per the IPU Product file
  • Complete the dispense as you normally would.

How to configure Reference Pricing in TouchStore Rx

To configure reference pricing in TouchStore Rx, there are two settings per scheme that can be configured to control the calculation of the Patient Supplement.

  • From the PMR screen, click on the Configure/Maintain schemes button next to the Scheme drop-down box.


  • Highlight the Drug Refund scheme and click Edit


To turn Reference Pricing On or Off for a scheme

  • tick or un-tick the “Apply Reference Pricing” checkbox

To change the Ingredient Cost Price used when calculating the Patient Supplement

  • choose from the drop-down list. Trade Price (IPU Cost Price), PCRS Reimbursement Price or Reference Price.

  • Select each scheme in turn to config reference pricing as required.
