Monitored Dosage

TouchStore Rx defines a Monitored Dosage dispense as a Monitored Dosage Dispense encapsulates all the practice administration required to be completed prior to the delivery of the patient's medication for the next week / month.

How Do I Assign a Patient to a Monitored Dosage System

To Assign a Patient to a Monitored Dosage System:

  • Select the patient to assign to a Dosage system
  • Hit F3 to open the Patient Maintenance screen


  • Hit Alt & S to open the Dosage System tab


  • Click the Monitored Dosage option at the top of the Dosage System


  • Select the Dosage System from the dropdown box.
  • The Round Times need to be configured. Enter a Round Description and a round time.
    • The round time descriptions will be printed on the Cassette forms and appear on the Drug Dispense panel when entering round time information for items being dispensed


  • If there is a Dosage System already present that you would like to edit, select the Dosage System and press edit ( altering this will alter this dosage system for all patients attached to this dosage system )

  • Add the name of the Dosage System to the Name field ( Should be kept meaningful, so either the packaging type and dispensing period, or a brand name for the blistering )

  • Round Times are the default times at which patients will take their medication. Upon assigning a patient to a Home/Dosage system, these round times will appear on their F3 screen under Dosage system tab ( From F3 users can adjust or insert new Round times per patient if their round times are different than the default times). Maximum of 6 Round times.

  • Period:

  • Daily - a cycle per day, this is never used.
  • Weekly - a cycle per 7 days. Drugs are dispensed every 7 days
  • Monthly - a cycle per 28 days. Drugs are dispensed every 28 days

  • Number of Cycles - The usual setup for this is:

  • Number of Cycles = 1 & Period = Monthly ( 28 days )
  • Number of Cycles = 4 & Period = Monthly ( 28 days split into 4 weeks )
  • Number of Cycles = 2 & Period = Monthly ( 28 days split fortnightly )
  • Number of Cycles = 1 & Period = Weekly ( You will not get phasing fees with this setup )


  • Print Paperwork - If customers are using paperwork, this should be ticked


  • Short Course Monthly - The default for Short Course is 7 days. If you tick the Short Course Monthly option this will be changed to a full 28 days, this may be desired if the Dosage System is one cycle over one month.

  • Auto Phase - Turn on if using a Monthly 1 Cycle, or Monthly 4 cycle system. The allocation will automatically phase each item as it is dispensed, with the Exception of Separate items. For Nursing Homes or the DP scheme, the auto phase should be unticked as they cannot claim for phasing fees.

  • Show Product Links - Option to enable product links while dispensing under MDS to a patient with this dosage system.


  • Default Phased Reason - If you have Auto Phase ticked, this option needs to be chosen. Chose the reason for phasing to this patient. E.G “Patient cannot manage”

  • Paperwork - Chose which paperwork you would like printed when dispensing to a patient on this dosage system. Copies - The number of copies to print of that paperwork and tick auto print. ( When dispensing you can enter zero and it will not print ).


  • Press OK to save the Dosage System


  • Chose the new Monitored Dosage System from the drop down and once you press ok the Round Times this will auto populate for this patient


  • Hit F12 or Alt & O to confirm the edits and close the Patient Maintenance screen.

How Do I Insert a Dispense for a Monitored Dosage Patient

Note: Please ensure that the patient you wish to enter the dosage dispense for has been assigned to a Dosage System. For more information on how to assign a patient to a Monitored Dosage system Note: Please ensure that the patient has a Cycle started.

To Insert a Dosage Dispense for a Monitored Dosage Patient:

  • Click on Modules -> "MDS"


  • The MDS Module window will open
  • click on the "monitored Dosage" button


  • Select the patient to dispense to
  • The PMR Console will open. Please note:
  • The title of the PMR Console window will read, "PMR Console - Monitored Dosage". Continue from step 5
    • If the PMR Console window title reads, "PMR Console - Ad-Hoc dispense session", this means you have not selected the patient using the Monitored Dosage filter on the Patient Search screen and as a result TouchStore Rx Rx is NOT in Dosage dispense mode.
  • Any dispense entered to a dosage patient in Ad-hoc mode will NOT be included in their Monitored Dosage cycle
  • Hit Alt & I, the Dispensing MDS Drug Panel will open
  • Select the drug to be dispensed. The Round configuration window will open.
  • The Start Date specifies the start date for the Nursing Home Cycle for this dispense.
  • The Finish Date for the drug is only used by Nursing Home setups. User can indicate when a patient will stop taking (course is Finished) and the system will not repeat that item upon repeat of the next cycle.
  • The Commencement Date is used to indicate when the patient first started taking this drug. Filled in once by staff and printed on the Kardex. Only required by a few Nursing Homes.
  • Tick Separate to indicate that an item is separate, not blistered, delivered outside of the standard packaging. A Drug Label will print for this item in all setups.
  • An Irregular item, in the context of our Dosage config screen, means it will not confer with our mathematical check. i.e. one Ventolin inhaler cannot be divided over 7 or 28 days. Separate items are usually Irregular. We have coded a link between Separate and Irregular, so ticking Separate will also tick Irregular.
  • Use PRN Chart to indicate that this item must appear on the patients PRN Chart.
  • Fill out the relevant Round Times e.g. Morning, Lunch, Tea etc. These rounds are populated from the Rounds specified when creating the Dosage System the patient is using.
  • Hit Alt & O to save the Drug and Round information.
  • Enter the Dosage instructions. Tip! You may want to create a set of Dosage codes for your round times. E.g. 8A -8 AM 20 - 8 PM etc..
  • Additional information can be captured on the MDS tab on the right hand side of the Current Dispense Screen.
  • Colour, Shape and Letting: Nursing Homes require additional tablet identification. The Colour, the Shape and the Letting (if any) of the tablet can be recorded here. It's worth not ing, that once you have entered this information for a drug once, it is automatically retained for any future dispensing.
  • If all items have been entered for this patient, Hit Alt &O
  • The Confirm Dispense screen will appear
  • Review all details for the items dispensed and be sure that the correct number of form numbers will be generated when this dispense is completed later. For more information on how to use the Confirm Dispense screen to make edits to one or more items, please see The Confirm Dispense Screen
  • Hit Alt & M, the Confirm dispense screen will now close and the Patient search screen will appear. The dosage dispense for the selected patient is now complete.

The patient search filter retains the previous settings for you to select the next Monitored Dosage patient to insert a Dosage dispense.


The MDS Tab gives details for a drug that was put through on an MDS patient.


Top Section

  • Start Date - The starting date of when the patients will be administered the drug for the current MDS Cycle.
  • Finish Date - The last date of when the patient will be administered the drug for the current MDS Cycle.
  • Comm Date - The Commencement date of the drug, when the patient first started getting the drug.
  • Not Required -
  • Short Course - A function to enter dispensing info where the patient will not be administered the drug every day during the current MDS Cycle. (Click here for more info on Short Course)

Middle Section

  • Colour - The Colour of the drug. Select a Colour using the dropdown. You can add a new Colour by double-clicking on the drop down and then use the Window that appears.
  • Shape - The Shape of the drug. Select a Shape using the dropdown. You can add a new Shape by double-clicking on the drop down and then use the Window that appears.
  • Lettering - The Lettering that appears on the drug. Simply type in the letters that appear on the drug in the field provided.
  • Separate - This box will be ticked if, upon on insert of the drug, the item was marked as Separate. This field, when ticked, indicates that the item e.g. GAVISCON ORAL SUSP 500ML will not be placed in blister packaging and will be provided separately.
  • Irregular - Tick this box if the drug is going to be an irregular dispense, not administered every day or has an irregular overall Qty being dispensed. This can be used in conjunction with the Short Course function.
  • PRN Chart - Ticking this option will place the item on the PRN Chart Paperwork

Bottom Section

This area contains the rounds of the dosage system. The above screenshot shows an example of a system with the following rounds:

  • Morning
  • Noon
  • Evening
  • Night

Beside each round is a field that will include the qty of the drug the patient will be administered at that round time during the MDS Cycle.

To Start a patient's Monitored Dosage cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Monitored Dosage option (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


  • Highlight the patient you want to start a cycle for and Hit Alt & S
  • Hit Alt & S or click Start Cycle


  • The Start Date for the next cycle will be displayed, Hit Alt & O or Hit Return to accept the Start Date. You can change this date if required, but it is strongly recommended that the Start date suggested is accepted in all cases


The next Monitored Dosage cycle has been started for the selected patient.

To Repeat Items for the Next Monitored Dosage Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Monitored Dosage option (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


  • Highlight the patient you want to repeat items for
  • Hit Alt & R or click the Repeat Script for button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected


Hit Alt & R or click the Repeat button + A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Repeat process + A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed


  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close

All items have been repeated for the selected patient. At this point, any required edits required by the Patient, Doctor or Carer should be made to the patients record.

To Print Label / Cassette Sheets for a Monitored Dosage Patient for Their Next Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Monitored Dosage option (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


+Highlight the patient you want to repeat items for + Hit Alt & P or click the Print Sheets button + The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected


  • Hit Alt & P or click the Print button
  • The Print Paperwork screen will open. Specify the number of copies of each type of Paperwork you would like to print and Hit Alt & P.
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Print process


  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return

The MDS patient selection screen will close

All required Drug label or Cassette sheets are now printed. At this point all medications should be filled into their Blisters / Cassettes and confirm that all information is correct. This is the best point in the Practice administration process to correct dispensing or administration errors. Please take extra care at this point that all information is correct, as correcting errors after time point is more time consuming.

To Print MAR Sheets for a Monitored Dosage Patient for Their Next Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Monitored Dosage option (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


  • Highlight the patient you want to repeat items for
  • Hit Alt & S or click the Print MAR Sheets button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected


  • Hit Alt & P or click the Print button
  • The Print Paperwork screen will open. Specify the number of copies of each type of Paperwork you would like to print and Hit Alt & P.
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Print process
  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close

All required MAR sheets are now printed.

To complete scripts for a patient's Monitored Dosage cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Monitored Dosage option (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


  • Highlight the patient you want to repeat items for
  • Hit Alt & M or click the Complete Scripts button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected


  • Hit Alt & M or click the Complete button
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Complete process


  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close
  • Hit Alt & F or Finish Cycle to close off the Cycle for the completed Start Date.

This completes the Monitored Dosage cycle. All items have been ordered, scripts repeated, labels or cassette sheets printed, MAR sheets printed and any required form numbers have been generated. The Blister packs or Cassette boxes can now be supplied to the patient.

To Cancel a Monitored Dosage Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Monitored Dosage option (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


  • Hit Alt & L or click Cancel Cycle


  • Hit Alt & Y to the confirmation message


  • Hit Alt & N to the confirmation message

The Cycle has now being cancelled.

Nursing Homes

TouchStore Rx defines a Nursing Home Cycle as follows: A Nursing Home Cycle encapsulates all the practice administration required to be completed prior to the delivery of all patient medications to the selected Nursing Home for the next week / month.

To Add a Nursing Home to TouchStore Rx:

  • Select the first patient to be linked to the Nursing Home
  • Hit F3 to open the Patient Maintenance screen


  • Hit Alt & S to open the Dosage System tab
  • Select Nursing Homes


  • To View, Edit or Insert a Nursing Home Double click the Nursing Home dropdown box.

  • The Maintain Nursing Home screen will appear


  • Hit Alt & I to Insert a new Nursing Home
  • Enter the name address and any other contact details you have


  • The Pre-Order Supplier allows you to select the Pending list you want your Nursing Home pre-orders to appear on. It is STRONGLY recommended that you create a new instance of your preferred supplier for this purpose. Pre-Orders allow to you to order all items required for the next Nursing Home Cycle before you process the prescription. This allows for much greater control of your stock as your Nursing Home supplies can be stored separately from your normal Pharmacy stocks.
  • Select the Dosage system in use by this Nursing Home from the Dosage Systems dropdown box.


  • Enter the default Rounds times available for this Nursing Home. The description entered for each Round appears as the round description on the Drug Dispense panel, is printed on the MAR sheets and on the Cassette sheets.


  • From this point the Nursing Home entry will depend on the Dosage system selected.
  • Select a Report type you have 2 options.
  • Days Displayed Horizontally - Allows signature of administering nurse per round, per patient. Most secure.
  • Days Displayed Vertically - Allows signature of administering nurse per round, per day only. Less secure.


To Insert a new Dosage System:

Note: TouchStore recommends to always insert a new Dosage System when creating a new Nursing Home and initial the Dosage System name with the initials of the Nursing Home. This will prevent setting changes for one home affecting another.

  • Select the first patient to be linked to the Nursing Home
  • Hit F3 to open the Patient Maintenance screen


  • Hit Alt & S to open the Dosage System tab
  • Select Monitored Dosage


  • To View, Edit or Insert a Dosage System double click the Dosage System dropdown box


  • The Maintain Dosage System screen will appear


  • Hit ALT & I or click insert.


  • The Dosage window will open


  • Enter the Dosage System Name. E.g. Weekly Cassette LL. This means that the Dosage System is for a weekly period, Cassette packaging and is for a Nursing Home with the initials LL, Laragh Lodge


  • Set Dosage Period; Daily, Weekly or Monthly
  • Daily - Nursing Homes should never be setup on a Daily Dosage System. This would mean the Nursing Home cycle is one day in duration.
  • Weekly - This means the Nursing Home cycle is seven days in duration. You prepare your Nursing Home delivery each week.
  • Monthly - This means the Nursing Home cycle is 28 days in duration. You prepare your Nursing Home delivery once a month.


  • Enter the Round Time and Description e.g. 09:00, Morning for each round of medication. These are the default times at which patients will take their medication. Upon assigning a patient to a Home/Dosage system, these round times will appear. Users can adjust or insert new Round times per patient if their round times are different. There is a maximum of 6 Round times.


  • File Location is only used when the user has a packaging robot system e.g. TOSHO/HDMEDI.


  • Number of Cycles. A weekly system with only 1 week supplied at a time = 1 Cycle = 7 days A monthly system with only 1 month supplied at a time = 1 Cycle = 28 days A monthly system but supplying 4 weeks at a time = 4 Cycles. = 7 x 4 = 28 days A monthly system but supplying a fortnight at a time = 2 Cycles = 2 x 14 days


  • Default Phased Reason specifies what Phased Reason to apply to MDS dispenses. This information is sent to the PCRS when sending End-of-month Claims.


  • Under Select Paperwork click into the Grid and select the type of Paperwork you would like to use e.g. MAR Sheet, Cassette Lid, MDS Kardex etc.


  • Hit Alt & O or click Ok to save the Dosage System and return to the Dosage System maintenance screen


How Do I Configure the Number of Labels to Print

There are two settings that control the number of drugs labels that will be printed for each patient assigned to a Nursing Home with a Blister pack Dosage System. When in the Dosage System Maintenance Screen:

Setting one, Cards Per: (setting 2 is NOT Ticked)

  • Week: If this option is selected, TouchStore Rx Rx assumes you are filling Blister packs on a monthly basis and fill all required medication for a week for each patient in one pack. Four label will always be printed per drug with this option.
  • Day: If this option is selected, TouchStore Rx Rx assumes you are filling Blister packs on a monthly basis and fill all required medication for a day for each patient in one pack. Seven label will always be printed per drug with this option.
  • Round: If this option is selected, TouchStore Rx assumes you are filling Blister packs on a weekly basis and fill all drugs in one pack for each patient. One Label will always be printed per drug with this option.

Setting Two, Separate Label Per Round:

When Ticked, this check box indicates that you fill a separate Blister pack for each round that the patient receives medication, effecting the number of labels required. Each of the options for setting one are re-explained below:

  • Week: As above, the system assumes you require four labels per drug, but also makes a calculation for the number of times the drug is taken. So if the patient takes a drug once in the morning and once in the afternoon, eight labels will be printed.
  • If patient is on one drug, then four Label will be printed.
  • If patient is on two drugs, then eight label will be printed.
  • If patient is on three drugs, then twelve label will be printed. etc.
  • Day: This is an unlikely scenario but the system will allow it to be configured. As above the system assumes you require seven labels, but also makes a calculation for the number of times the Patient required the drug in a day. So if the patient takes a drug twice a day, the system will print 14 labels.
  • If patient is on one drug, then seven Label will be printed.
  • If patient is on two drugs, then fourteen label will be printed.
  • If patient is on three drugs, then twenty one label will be printed. etc.
  • Round: As above, TouchStore Rx will print one label per patient but also makes a calculation on the number of drugs taken so if patient is on two drugs 2 labels are printed, three drugs, three labels etc.
  • If patient is on one drug, then one Label will be printed.
  • If patient is on two drugs, then two label will be printed.
  • If patient is on three drugs, then three label will be printed. etc.

The Test Button:

When the Test button is clicked (Hit Alt & T), a demonstration of the number of labels that would be printed with the current configuration is displayed. It is HIGHLY recommended that you try a number of configurations, clicking the Test button with each setup tried to confirm that you are happy that the correct number of labels will be printed.


How Do I Insert a Dispense for a Nursing Home Patient

Note: Please ensure that the patient you wish to enter the dosage dispense for has been assigned to the Nursing Home in which they are resident. Note: Please ensure that the Nursing Home assigned to the selected patient has a Cycle started.

To Insert a Dosage Dispense for a Nursing Home Patient:

  • Hit Alt & A and select "Nursing Home patient" from the patient search Filter


  • select the Nursing Home in which the patient is resident
  • This step is not required if your practice only dispenses to one Nursing Home or the Home required has been set as default. Assign a default Nursing Home in the Configuration module, on the Application tab - Dispensing sub-tab
  • Select the patient to dispense to
  • The PMR Console will open. Please note:
  • The title of the PMR Console window will read, "PMR Console - Nursing Home Patient:.." and the name of the assigned Nursing Home.

  • If the PMR Console window title reads, "PMR Console - Ad-Hoc dispense session", this means you have not selected the patient using the Nursing Home filter on the Patient Search screen and as a result TouchStore Rx is NOT in Dosage dispense mode.

    • Any dispense entered to a dosage patient in Ad-hoc mode will NOT be included in their Nursing Home cycle's


  • Hit Alt & I, the Dispensing MDS Drug Panel will open
  • Select the drug to be dispensed. The Round configuration window will open.
  • The Start Date specifies the start date for the Nursing Home Cycle for this dispense.
  • The Finish Date for the drug is only used by Nursing Home setups. The user can indicate when a patient will stop taking (course is Finished) and the system will not repeat that item upon repeat of the next cycle.
  • The Commencement Date is used to indicate when the patient first started taking this drug. Filled in once by staff and printed on the Kardex. Only required by a few Nursing Homes.
  • Tick Separate to indicate that an item is separate, not blistered, delivered outside of the standard packaging. A Drug Label will print for this item in all setups.


  • An Irregular item, in the context of our Dosage config screen, means it will not confer with our mathematical check. i.e. one Ventolin inhaler cannot be divided over 7 or 28 days. Separate items are usually Irregular. We have coded a link between Separate and Irregular, so ticking Separate will also tick Irregular.


  • Use PRN Chart to indicate that this item must appear on the patients PRN Chart. Fill out the relevant Round Times e.g. Morning, Lunch, Tea etc These rounds are populated from the Rounds specified when creating the Dosage System the patient is using.


  • Hit Alt & O to save the Drug and Round information.


  • Enter the Dosage instructions.
  • Tip! You may want to create a set of Dosage codes for your round times. E.g. 8A -8 AM 20 - 8 PM etc..
  • Additional information can be captured on the MDS tab on the right hand side of the Current Dispense Screen.
  • Colour, Shape and Letting: Nursing Homes require additional tablet identification. The Colour, the Shape and the Letting (if any) of the tablet can be recorded here. It's worth noting, that once you have entered this information for a drug once, it is automatically retained for any future dispensing.


  • Hit Alt & N to enter the next item/.
  • If all items have been entered for this patient, Hit Alt & M
  • The Select Cycle and Paperwork screen will appear.
  • Specify which paperwork you wish to print with this dispense.


  • Hit Alt & P to print paperwork.

How Do I Assign a Patient to a Nursing Home

To Assign a Patient to the Nursing Home of Which They Are a Resident:

  • Select the first patient to be linked to the Nursing Home
  • Hit F3 to open the Patient Maintenance screen
  • Hit Alt & S to open the Dosage System tab
  • Select the Nursing Home Tab


  • Select the Nursing Home within which the patient is resident from the Nursing Home dropdown box. If you have not yet configured the Nursing Home within which the patient is resident
  • If the Nursing Home assign ward numbers or use remote sites to house residents, that location can be entered in the Patient Location text box. The patient location information is printed on Cassette and MAR sheets to make identification easier for Nursing Home staff
  • Enter the Patent ID number used within the Nursing Home if any


  • The Round Times will be populated with the default round time of the Nursing Home. These can be adjusted, as required per patient, to include additional, fewer or different times from the defaults. The round time descriptions will be printed on the Cassette forms and appear on the Drug Dispense panel when entering round time information for items being dispensed


  • Hit F12 or Alt & O to confirm the edits and close the Patient Maintenance screen.


To Start a Nursing Home Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Nursing Home being processed and Hit Alt & S (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)


  • Hit Alt & S or click Start Cycle
  • The Start Date for the next cycle will be displayed, Hit Alt & O or Hit Return to accept the Start Date. You can change this date if required, but it is strongly recommended that the Start date suggested is accepted in all cases
  • Hit Alt & C to close the MDS module - Patient processing functions
  • Hit Alt & C to close the MDS module - Nursing Home selection screen (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)

The next Nursing Home cycle has been started for the selected Nursing Home.

To Pre-Order Items for All Patient for the Next Nursing Home Cycle:

Note: A Pre-Order Supplier must be assigned for the selected Nursing Home for this function to be available.

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Nursing Home being processed and Hit Alt & S (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)
  • Hit Alt & O or click the Create Pre-Order button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected


  • Hit Alt & O or click the Pre-Order button
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Pre-Order process
  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close

The Pre-Order for the selected cycle has been created. Open the Orders module for the Nursing Home Pre-Order supplier to verify the order before sending.

To Repeat Items for All Patients for the Next Nursing Home Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Nursing Home being processed and Hit Alt & S (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)
  • Hit Alt & R or click the Repeat Script for button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected


  • Hit Alt & R or click the Repeat button
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Repeat process
  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close

All patients now have an open dispense session with each item on their previous cycle repeated. At this point, any required edits required by the Nursing Home should be made to the patient's record.

To Print label / Cassette sheets for all patients for the next Nursing Home cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Nursing Home being processed and Hit Alt & S (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)
  • Hit Alt & P or click the Print Sheets button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected
  • Hit Alt & P or click the Print button
  • The Print Paperwork screen will open. Specify the number of copies of each type of Paperwork you would like to print and Hit Alt & P.
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Print process
  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close

All required Drug label or Cassette sheets are now printed. At this point all medications should be filled into their Blisters / Cassettes and confirm that all information is correct.

This is the best point in the Practice administration process to correct dispensing or Nursing Home administration errors. Please take extra care at this point that all information is correct, as correcting errors after time point is more time consuming.

To Print MAR Sheets and Order Forms for All Patients for the Next Nursing Home Cycle:

  • From the PMR Console, Hit Modules -> MDS


  • Enter your PIN number
  • Select the Nursing Home being processed and Hit Alt & S (step only required if there are two or more Dosage systems in operation)
  • Hit Alt & S or click the Print MAR Sheets button
  • The MDS module patient select screen will appear, will all patients pre-selected
  • Hit Alt & P or click the Print button
  • The Print Paperwork screen will open. Specify the number of copies of each type of Paperwork you would like to print and Hit Alt & P.
  • A progress bar, positioned at the top of the MDS Patient selection screen, will indicate progress through the Print process
  • A confirmation message will be displayed when the process has been completed
  • Hit Alt & O or Hit Return
  • The MDS patient selection screen will close

All required MAR sheets are now printed. If the selected Nursing Home has the Print Patient Update Forms setting turned on, Order forms will also be printed directly after each set of MAR sheets printed per patient.

TouchStore Rx is now ready to process the next Cycle.